When a Shy classmate of mine got a Boner in front of the whole class

The Haven
Published in
8 min readJul 20, 2021
Photo by Windows on Unsplash

We all had a guy in school who was extremely timid.

The epitome of shyness.

The Mama boy, whose mother used to groom his hair with coconut oil.

In my class, that guy was Pratham. His name literally means “first” in English. He was apt with his name as he holds the first rank in class in most of the exams.

He looked like, an ideal Indian parent’s sanskari guy straight came out of nerd making factory. No surprise one can easily figure out that he was a geek only by a slight glance of him.

Pratham used to come to school wearing a loose shirt, fully buttoned up to the top of his shirt with sticky hair soaked in coconut oil. I hope by now you must have got an idea of his appearance.

I used to think that people of this breed are bathed in innocence and never had even a slight idea of mischief going around the world which is filled with soon to become adult guys struggling with their testosterone pumps unlike them.

But I was wrong.

This incident has changed my opinion of him.

That day I didn't go to school. So, this story had been narrated to me by one of my female friends - ‘Suchita’, the next day after this incident.

I went to Suchita’s home that evening to borrow her notes. When I was looking through her notes, she excitedly asked, Do you know what happened today in the class? I replied I don’t. But now I was curious to know because I had rarely seen such enthusiasm on her face. There was an astounding shine in her eyes and all her super white 32 teeth were visible to me since she was smiling like she had got some hidden treasure.

Only by looking at her face, one can tell, how excited she was to tell that that story.

So I grabbed the popcorn, sitting both legs crossed to prepare myself for what I was going to hear.

She began narrating the incident to me. From here on, ‘I’ and ‘me’ refer to Suchita not me as she is narrating the story.

Suchita narrating the incident

It was a usual boring day in school. Our chemistry teacher, a graceful-looking dusky lady in her mid-30s was teaching about tetravalent bonds or something like that. I don’t have a clear memory of what she was teaching exactly.

Nothing interesting was going on until the teacher called Pratham to the blackboard to solve a problem. Any other day he would hop up instantly but that day he was behaving abnormally, taking more time than usual to stand. I thought, maybe he didn’t know the answer. The very idea of him not knowing the answer sparked a sadistic curiosity within me. For me, seeing a topper bombing in front of the whole class is a hedonistic trip of its own kind.

He took few moments to stand and hobbled to the blackboard as if he had shat on his pants. Fear of losing your reputation and that too in front of a hot teacher in a saree, that was transparent near the midriff region is enough to make someone tremble while walking. And he was already a shy guy, to begin with.

When he reached the blackboard, the teacher asked him to first explain the problem to the class. But my whole attention was in the way he was standing there. He was not facing the class straight, his body was tilted sidewards a little bit, it seems as if he was trying to hide something.

He began to explain the problem, but at the same time, was making absurd expressions with his repulsive mouth. I was like, why his mouth structure is looking so disgusting suddenly out of the blue. His face was already as boring as someone can imagine, but his lips’ weird movement was making things worse for his stupid face. He seemed uncomfortable in explaining the problem too which is usually not the case with him.

This whole thing — standing tilted, making weird mouth structures, had pushed me to give serious thought to the idea that he might have shat on his pants in real. And that very moment my face got overwhelmed with the sheer feeling of disgust.

Has this guy really shat on his pants?

Why is he not taking his filthy ass to the toilet rather than showing his more so filthy face to us?

All these seemingly unanswerable questions were hovering around my mind. I was no longer focusing on chemistry equations. My mind has no space left because it was already filled with horrible wishes for this guy. How could someone be so irresistible? Well, he was.

I was baffled by my willpower and patience that it seemed unbelievable, how I restrained myself from going to him and shoving my muddy shoe in his mouth, and forcing him to lick my shoe. I was wishing that I had brought my high heels to get him to lick its bottom.

But there was no stench in the class. This gave me a way to see this situation through other lenses than that of a poopy one. Maybe the reason behind all this shit was not the actual shit. Now I was curious to find out the real reason behind it.

Gosh, I thought out all the reasons but none of them was plausible. Did he not know to solve the problem? Was he holding his pee? Had he got intimated by the sight of the teacher’s almond-shaped navel from such a close distance? The last one seemed most plausible out of all.

I got furious just by the thought of him checking out her navel through the corners of his eyes. It made me so mad that it was becoming so hard keeping myself from busting his tiny balls until they explode. I was really rooting for that to happen.

The Hell broke

There is a threshold for everything. And Pratham had clearly crossed all the thresholds by putting his gutter face for 5 minutes straight. I couldn’t tolerate his disgusting persona anymore. By looking at his face it seemed like he was asking for a bukkake from other guys in class. He really needed that. Other guys in class were also murmuring something and laughing as if they were planning to quench his thirst. Seriously, I would’ve not flenched a single emphatic emotion if he was forced to drink a full glass of semen from all of the guys in the class. Instead, I would’ve encouraged other guys to give him more. That would’ve been the best use of his useless mouth.

I was busy imagining him receiving the bukkake when I was struck by another strange sight. Ishaan, a guy who never paid any attention to any class in his lifetime, was looking with full attention towards the blackboard. Then I realized actually he was staring at Pratham’s crotch region. Eww. I had never seen someone giving this much, undivided attention to anything. He was so focused as if he was the Arjun focusing at the bird’s eye.

This made me curious to look at what Ishaan was looking for there. I didn’t find anything obnoxious. But I was not one of those who gave up after a single attempt. I tried again to find the mystery hidden there.

Mystery revealed

And voila! I saw a small bulge on Pratham’s pants. It was so petite that it could be invisible to the eyes if not looked at carefully.

So, this was the reason behind Pratham’s awkwardness. He had a boner and the teacher called him up to the blackboard. The poor guy would have not thought that he would be trapped in a situation like this in his wildest dreams. And the other boys knew this, maybe that’s why they were murmuring and laughing among themselves.

But he was being hesitant in vain. No girls would have noticed that even if he had faced straight towards them. Because the bulge was so tiny that it was almost invisible. All credits go to his micropenis. He must be thankful for his tiny equipment after this incident. It was maybe the first time in history when a guy is thankful rather than insecure for his small chopper. It really saved his ass from getting the first-hand embarrassment.

An unexpected twist

I was amused by all the things that were happening. But Pratham was not in the mood to halt. He was ready with one more surprise. And this time it was the sudden calmness on his face that swept me away. His face was still ugly though.

But what I couldn’t comprehend was how he went from extreme nervousness to the calmness of a monk instantly. He was so relaxed that I was getting meditative by looking at his relaxed body language. Obviously, I was avoiding looking at his ugly face otherwise it would have ruined my meditative state. He was so relaxed that it seems like he had got the essence of life. The truth for which our ancient sages had performed rigor Tapasya to get it, this guy had found it in the classroom while having a boner at the same time. He had achieved Nirvana.

Then I noticed, the tiny bulge had disappeared. You may have guessed by now why it got disappeared. I saw a small drop on his pants surface. Yes, he had an orgasm in front of the class and no one noticed it. That’s the secret behind his sudden calmness. That’s what turned him into a student monk. Only one spherical drop was visible on the surface, but only God knows what mess might have spread out behind his pants. The drop was only the tip of the iceberg that had melted away already. As the saying goes —

“What we know is a drop, what we don’t know is the ocean”.

That's it. That’s the story.

Suchita looked so amused after narrating the story. I was sitting on her chair, aghast in disbelief. Suchita seemed pleased with her storytelling skill. Credit where it’s due. She is really a great storyteller. She described every detail so vividly while at the same time opening the window of her mind for us to sneak into what was going on in her mind during the incident.

I felt like, a whole movie had been played in my mind.

Lesson learned

That day I and Suchita learned five things —

  1. Never get fooled by someone’s outer persona. Who knows in what imagination Pratham had drowned himself that he had such a long-lasting boner throughout the class.

2. Guys can have a boner anytime. Seems it is uncontrollable sometimes. This, I already knew as I am a guy. It was new for Suchita.

3. Post-nut clarity is a real thing. If you feel stress and overwhelmedness, busting your nuts can set you free.

4. Suchita is an excellent narrator and has a great wicked sense of humor.

5. Girls with a wicked sense of humor are damn attractive. ( At least I find this trait attractive)



The Haven

I love writing about edgy topics and humor