When I Was Your Age Sayings for Generation X

A Modern Twist on the Classic Walking Uphill Barefoot Both Ways Story

Dirty Harry Wizard
The Haven


  1. When I was your age, I had to copy my research papers word for word from an old Encyclopedia Britannica and punch out each letter on this thing called a typewriter that had no delete key. I had to correct my mistakes using a little bottle of white paint.
  2. When I was your age, I had to watch whatever happened to be on TV at whatever time I decided to watch. This meant sometimes sitting through episodes of Murder She Wrote and reruns of Shirley Temple movies. If you think your life is hard, try copying sentences for a research paper using only a single Encyclopedia Brittanica while The Good Ship Lollipop is stuck in your head.
  3. When I was your age, I had to remember or write down my friends’ phone numbers and wait until they got home to call them. Depending on who answered the phone, this sometimes involved having to make small talk with their parents. Everyone had to tap their Eddie Haskell skills to get through the parental screen and be granted access to talk to their friend. You probably don’t even know who Eddie Haskell is on account of the fact that Leave It to Beaver is now considered a politically incorrect name for a show and Googling it results in imagery that is decidedly less G-rated.



Dirty Harry Wizard
The Haven

Alfred Harold Magely (aka Dirty Harry Wizard) transmits 3-minute funnies from the Retro Arcade of the Insane. Keep in touch http://eepurl.com/gxctuL