Kayleigh McEnany with a crying toddler Trump.
Kayleigh McEnany holds a tired Drumpf up so he can continue to whine about whiners. (Gage Skidmore)

Corona Virus Update

Whine With Your Virus?

Drumpf calls complainers to carpet

The Haven
Published in
6 min readApr 19, 2020


Having complained all week about New York governor Andrew Cuomo’s criticism, Drumpf pushed Ambassador Deborah Birx off the press conference stage and continued the refrain. He’s tired of whiners and intends to make sure everyone knows it.

“Nobody says anything nice about me. They’re so mean. I’m tired of whiners whining about whiny things. ‘Not enough tests. You tell us we’re in charge and then you tell us we aren’t. Why didn’t you do something when you were warned?’ They couldn’t get rid of me with the Mueller probe, they couldn’t get rid of me with impeachment, they couldn’t infect me with the virus, and they tried, believe me they tried, Obama’s people even created a pandemic task force with the sole purpose of getting infected and bring it back to infect me, and now they want to do it with whining. You know what they call someone who whines and whines and whines? A Democrat. Spelled L-I-B-E-R-I-L L-O-S-U-R.”

Dr. Birx climbed to the platform and White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany gently pulled Drumpf aside so Birx could discuss how the virus might spread in Africa and other undeveloped countries. Drumpf stopped her mid-sentence so he could point to Australia on the map and say, “Look at all these countries in Africa. People…

