Who Was Most Excited For Trump’s Announcement? Eric Trump

But you’ll never guess why

Speaking Fiction To Power
The Haven


Alteration of https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2019/02/deutsche-bank-donald-trump-potential-default

Hours before Trump making his announcement to run for the Presidency in 2024 — in a packed ballroom at Mar-a-Lago filled with well dressed fans holding their phones on high to capture the moment — there was no one more excited than Eric Trump. He had just been promised a life long dream of his would be fulfilled, if Trump was elected. He would be named “Prince” of something.

“Dad,” Eric came to his father as he was going over his speech, “I’ve got something to ask you.”

“Go ahead, but make it quick,” Trump replied. “You see I’m trying to get ready here.”

“OK,” Eric quickly replied. “You know how you let Ivanka and Jared work for you last time, and you even let Giuliani’s son work someplace . . .”

“Treasury, yes. What’s your point?

“Well, I want to work for you this time — if you win.”

When I win, you mean.”

“Yes. When you win. I want to do something for you, but I want it to something with a cool title. I want to be Prince of something!”

“Prince of something.”

“Yes. I’ve been looking at a list of government agencies. And the only one I can find that would sound kinda cool is…



Speaking Fiction To Power
The Haven

I am an old man who loves to write - to entertain, to produce a chuckle, and occasionally make a point I think is worth making - and sometimes all three!