Why Aliens would Love to visit Earth ?

Or Are They Here Already ?

Sannan A.
The Haven
2 min readFeb 1, 2023


Photo by Max Böhme on Unsplash

Aliens, if they existed, would have a field day visiting Earth.

For starters, our planet is a veritable smorgasbord of exotic delicacies.

Think about it, all those different types of pizza, burgers, sushi, you name it! And let’s not forget about all the different types of ice cream and chocolate, those extraterrestrial taste-buds would be in heaven.

But the culinary delights of Earth are just the tip of the iceberg.

Aliens would also be thrilled to discover all the different forms of entertainment available on our planet. From sports to music, movies to video games, there’s something for everyone.

Plus, with all the different cultures and languages, they would never run out of things to explore and learn.

But the real kicker?

Earth’s weird and wonderful inhabitants.

From the fluffy and adorable to the slimy and strange, the aliens would have a blast observing and interacting with us humans.

They’d probably even create their own reality TV show just to document all the hilarious things we do.

Photo by Stephen Leonardi on Unsplash

In short, Earth would be a dream vacation spot for any alien.

So, let’s hope they’re friendly when they finally come knocking on our door.



Sannan A.
The Haven

College Student | Likes to Write Fiction & Non-Fiction | Night Writer