Why Are We Here?

Obviously for rehabilitation. Or possibly indentured servitude.

David Milgrim
The Haven
Published in
4 min readJun 7, 2021


One of the giant questions we all face is why we’re here. This is no trivial matter since the ultimate purpose of life gives us our sense of direction, and an inaccurate answer can lead us far astray.

Some of us get a bye on the question with the ready-made answer that God plopped us here. But even for those lucky enough to believe in one Almighty Creator or another, this answer really isn’t an answer at all since it begs the question of why in God’s name God would do such a thing.

Gotta go.

The rest of us are left to consider the evidence and draw our own conclusions. To this end, I submit the following three observations:

  1. Everyone is imperfect
  2. Everyone is struggling.
  3. We are obsessed with technology.

It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to see what the first two items point to, or to what they point, if you’re hung up on antiquated beliefs about the location of prepositions.

