Why Can’t Men Have Multiple Orgasms?

Or can they?

Christine's Adventures
The Haven


Licensed from Adobe images

Have you ever wondered why women were given the gift of multiple orgasms, while men were given the curse of the “refractory period” — a mandatory period of quiescence between ejaculations that can sometimes last up to a whole 24 hours! That sucks, doesn’t it, guys? Well, here’s why it worked out this way.

It may have been God, or it may have been evolution — makes no difference. But when he was making the human race, God or evolution gave women this ability knowing that they were sensible enough to not go overboard. At some point they would say, alright, enough with the orgasms, let me get some archetypical women’s work done — weaving, grinding corn, something like that.

This Creator also gave this ability to men. But God or evolution wasn’t an idiot — he knew these “men” he was creating were going to be peculiar and stubborn creatures who really can’t be trusted to do the right thing on any given day. So just to be sure, he withheld the gift of multiple orgasm to a few tribes of men. This was a necessary “hedge” so to speak on his bet that men would be able to handle the responsibilities that come with this great power — the power to orgasm at will.

God or evolution wasn’t surprised when he looked down and saw that, unlike women, who soon grew tired of orgasming, once the men…



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