Why it is Better to Live as Pandas

Mushfique Ahmed
The Haven
Published in
2 min readJan 3, 2023

There is nothing new to say about pandas, right? Pandas are quiet menaces and one of the most endangered species in the world. They eat, sleep, roll around and casually bump into things in their protected panda habitats and natural reserves.

They chew on bamboo, still remain chubby, cute, and get loads of love despite being lunatics. No politics, no drama, and no care about the world. It seems like being a panda has so many perks to offer. We will surf through some of them at this point.

They Don’t Care About Who Owns a Giant Social Media Company

No headaches about free-speech, political biases, or other similar stuff. They have no care about which site runs more ads, who gives shadow bans, censorships, promotions, yada yada yada.

As long as their nannies supply them with bamboo, they and their fluffy mouths and paws are content.

Gender Identity Spectrum- What is That?

A simple Google search told that Pandas have two sexes- male and female. The male pandas are called Boars; the female ones are called Sows. Now someone might identify as a cloud, an Ak-47, a mermaid, or whatever; they don’t care!!

FYI, don’t identify yourself as a bamboo, or else you know …

Racial Profiling Matters Little to Them

Take a closer look. Panda bears have white furs around the belly and neck area with black furs on their ears, arms, and legs. Now they have black ones around their eyes in a circular pattern (Lack of sleep?!). But we can’t deny the fact that, they are cute.

Photo by Jay Wennington on Unsplash

Someone might get checked more at the airport for their looks, someone might get harassed for the abundance of melanin in the skin, etc. They will roll around and be clumsy with no thoughts.

Cryptocurrency Crash Has no Effect

Now there is no record of pandas trading amongst themselves with cash. But it’s safe to assume digital currency (or any as a matter of fact) has no value to them.

Value of which crypto is the highest at the moment? Which crypto is the most secure? How to protect yourself from crypto scammers? Legitimacy, blockchain, Ethereum, FTX scam, etc., don’t raise their eyebrows.

These are ‘some’ of the many pros of living as pandas. Bet you can come up with many more if you think a bit about it.



Mushfique Ahmed
The Haven

Will write about topics that I find interest in. With slight inclinations to tech, nature, and philosophy.