Why They Really Check Your Receipt At Costco

And other little known facts about the big box store

Simon Black
The Haven


Photo by Omar Abascal on Unsplash

We all love Costco but do we really understand it? No! That’s what this article is about — giving up all those Costco’s secrets that you wish you knew but you don’t.

For instance, what about that Costco chicken? It tastes pretty unbelievable, right? But do you know why? Scroll on through this slide show with the ads that take forever to load and probably fill your computer with malware, and you will discover so much more about Costco than you ever dreamed of. Then you will have wasted a good 45 minutes to an hour — yes, that’s how long it takes these damn ads to load. But here’s the good news — the next time you go to Costco you will really have a great time — we promise!


We love them, but sometimes we love them a little too much. We want more. We go around the corner, we put on a hat, and we return to the line pretending to be someone else. But trust me, the sample guy knows what you are. You are a liar and a thief. But be careful.

If you take more than one sample, your picture is posted in the back room and the words “Greedy fucker” written under it. Each night after the store closes the employees will get together under the picture and chant a special spell that…



Simon Black
The Haven

This is not the Simon Black that you know. This is a different Simon Black. He does not work in your organization or live in your city.