Why you can’t win with me

Viraja Teggihal
The Haven
Published in
4 min readOct 19, 2023

Win what? I didn’t even say what, but you said, “Challenge accepted.”

Or maybe you said, “Why is this girl so full of herself? Let me read what she has to say just for the heck of it, so I can teach her some humility through my comment.” Thanks for looking out, I’ve learned my lesson.

There’s a second set of people who don’t follow ‘The Haven’. Ummm I mean what even? It’s like saying I don’t eat breakfast or I don’t like cheese on my pizza thank you so much. For some reason, If they knew about it and yet refused to follow The Haven, I can just say it’s their loss! Let them write for some Muddy or dusty who cares?

There’s another set of people in group 3( the intelligent ones) that never made it so far despite having looked at the title and the picture ( which I worked very hard on) because they know there’s no point in wasting energy justifying their life’s philosophy to a petty 20 something genZ know it all. It’s okay let’s not disturb them because they have some very very important work to do ( only they matter in this world because they are very intelligent and smart and they could be scientists and their time is very precious okey now they can pls stop talking I got their point). My blog is not even about them. I am not one of those people that focuses on the negativity and constantly complains about negative people instead of being grateful to her 3 audience( my fake accounts) that is genuinely interested in reading her art. So, I refuse to spend another minute thinking about those people that had the audacity to swipe away my article like it was a dating app and they disapproved meeting me for coffee. Yes, I’m still not thinking about them at all. I must be so un appealing that they couldn’t even imagine sitting with me for a cup of coffee. Okay fine you don’t want to meet me, but what’s your issue with coffee? Why can’t you let me buy you a cup of coffee like how everybody else on medium lets me? But I must confess I’ve no clue what it means and why they can’t buy their own coffee with the money I help them make by reading their blog. Hmmm I know your plan Christine. You want 2 cups of coffee. Hmm I will not support it. FDA recommends about 400mg of coffee per day and you’re probably consuming 800 already. Since I work in healthcare, it’s against that doctor oath I took and I don’t support any form of unhealthy living. Sorry Christine, but I could buy you a brocolli instead.

I hope I didn’t offend that grammar/ whatever Nazi by saying ‘audacity’. Go search for it and feel disappointed incase you missed it. I know it doesn’t really fit well but it makes me look cool and makes me feel like I’m as important as group 3 and like I can also raise my voice and the best part is that it’s not a video so you can’t even see me crying because I’m a secret crybaby- daddy’s favourite- light pink wearing- weakling- ex happy-spoilt princess. Now, if you know a better word that is equivalent to the practical non verbal version of audacity, do let me know. Wait a minute, I could’ve just said guts. Dammit. I could’ve just said guts. But it’s too late now. What if I was using a typewriter? There’s no backspace button. Get real guys. There’s no backspace option in life. If there was one, I wouldn’t even be using this blog as a coping mechanism to get over my life’s trauma. If I could go back in time and change something, I would’ve done 800 things differently to not land up in this situation. Now don’t come at me with your boomer whatever happens in life, happens for the good logic. My therapist will kick your butt (This is not a joke guys. She actually kicked mine when I tried to convince her that we need to focus more on the positive side of life and that there are great life lessons in every adversity we face). Anyway, we’ve decided it’s best to grieve my trauma to be better so that going forward, I can be a winner (because everything in life is a competition). Now people who tell you to live in the moment, feel the sunshine and listen to the birds chirp are the same people who didn’t get tempted to click on this blog. But nobody can help it if they didn’t want to win. Anyway, what do you think they are upto? Are they actually listening to the birds chirp or are they inventing a new chemotherapy drug for nail cancer? There’s a conspiracy theory that nail is actually a dead tissue and can never become cancerous, but who knows? After listening to this sunshine and birds theory, what if nails and hair also start living a little? Now that they can live, they can become capable of causing cancer. So these people are probably trying to find a cure for this upcoming deadly pandemic nail cancer funded by Netflix which has already approved season 2. Don’t laugh guys, covid (Season 1)could’ve been prevented if somebody thought like them. But I wasn’t writing blogs back then and maybe that’s why they didn’t have this extra time in life which they could get from skipping my blog. Anyway, I don’t want to make this about myself and sulk about why they didn’t want to read my current blog. I’d rather focus on the positive side of life. In fact, I feel like I’m already focusing on it.

