Will Social Media Make You Lose Your Friends?

Are you spending so much time obsessing over social media, watching youtube videos and surfing Facebook that you have zero time for friends?

The Love Blog
The Haven
4 min readJul 27, 2022


Will Social Media Make You Lose Your Friends?
Photo by NONRESIDENT on Unsplash


Social Media is a great tool to stay connected with your friends and loved ones, but it can also be a time-consuming distraction. Social media can be addicting, and it’s important to use social media in moderation if you want to keep your relationships healthy.

Social Media & Offline Life

Social media can be a great way to keep in touch with your friends and family. But it can also be a distraction from real life.

Social media is like any other form of communication: if you use it too much, it becomes difficult to switch off or disconnect from the internet when you’re not using them. Some people find social media helps them communicate better with their friends but others find that they are constantly distracted by what’s happening on sites like Facebook or Twitter which makes it hard for them to focus on their work-related tasks instead of checking out what’s going down at home!

So how do we know whether these sites are good for our health? The answer depends on what type of person you are! For example, if someone loves spending time online then perhaps Instagram would be more appropriate whereas someone who enjoys spending time outdoors might prefer something like Twitter instead.”

The Magic of the Real World

The magic of the real world is in the relationships you build with people. The magic of the real world is in the relationships you build with yourself. And the magic of the real world is in those relationships with other people too!

The Magic of Social Media: Social media can be an amazing tool for connecting with others, but there are drawbacks as well — one being that it often makes us feel lonely and isolated from our friends and family who live outside our bubble worlds. So what should we do? We could try connecting more regularly through text messages or emails (which we may already be doing), but that would require effort on both ends, or we could create a group where everyone can share their photos without needing any extra software installed on their phones — and this way everyone will know exactly what’s going on at all times without having to directly interact with each other face-to-face every day just so they don’t forget something important like “did I clean up after myself?”

Real Relationships

Real relationships are hard work. They require commitment, sacrifice and patience.

If you want to build a real relationship with someone, then it’s important, to be honest with them (and yourself). This means being vulnerable enough to be vulnerable with the other person and vice versa. It also means being willing to listen without judgment or criticism — you don’t need to agree with everything that people say; just listen! If a friend tells me something bad about another friend of theirs, I’ll try my best not only not to judge but also to empathize by saying “I get it.”

Be mindful of the time you spend on Social Media and use it wisely.

Social media can be a great way to stay connected with people and stay up to date with what is going on in the world. But if you use it as a replacement for real life, it can make you lose your friends, family members and community.

Social Media is not a replacement for human interaction; it’s just another tool we have at our disposal that allows us to communicate with others from different parts of the globe. Social Media helps us connect with people who may live far away from where we do — it’s like having an instant international phone number! But this doesn’t mean that social media makes you lose touch with reality or relationships either (as long as those relationships aren’t abusive).

The problem isn’t necessarily about how much time we spend online; rather it’s about how much time we spend doing things online versus offline.”

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We know it can be tempting to spend hours on your phone, but it’s important to remember that life goes on outside of social media. When you’re in the moment, it’s easy to forget about what’s happening outside of your bubble. And when you do log off, take a minute and look at what happened while you were away — you may find some interesting connections!



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The Haven

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