Working From Home

A case study

The Haven
Published in
3 min readJun 18, 2021


Image from Twitter.

More than a year into the Pandemic, on the 24th of May 2021, our company decided to hold an important, all-hands-on-deck Zoom meeting.

There was only one bullet point on the agenda: working from home.

The tension in the ether was palpable.

OK, guys — started our CEO, who visibly gained some weight and lost some hair in the meantime, enthusiastically.

Now that pandemic is waning down and the vaccines are rolled out successfully, it’s time to return back to the office! Back to normal! — feigned the CEO.

But, but… — the buzz was audible. Everybody started talking at the same time, as if awakened from hypnosis.

But, we’re more productive this way! — shouted somebody in the Crowd.

We save a lot of money by not commuting! — yelled someone else.

I don’t have childcare! My small children are going to be alone! — exclaimed one concerned mom, at the brink of tears.

I vowed never to go back to the office! — cried out several voices, in unison.

I quit! — blurted out one guy and quickly removed himself from the meeting, hoping that no one will notice. But everybody did. It was Tyler…



The Haven

“The only person you can’t learn from is yourself” — Anonymous