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World’s Greatest Hockey Player Spends a Day as a Construction Worker

McDavid Shocked by Men’s Conduct “Never Seen in the NHL”

Tim McCauley
Published in
3 min readJun 1, 2024


“Swearing, sex talk, drinking and fighting. I’ve never seen that kind of behavior among hockey players.” These were the first comments of Connor McDavid, captain of the Edmonton Oilers, in an exclusive interview with the Edmonton Sun. (McDavid is widely regarded by hockey pundits as the best player in the league).

Many sports fans are avidly following hockey, as the “final four” are battling for supremacy and the eventual winner of the Stanley Cup. The New York Rangers up against the Florida Panthers, while the Dallas Stars are playing the Edmonton Oilers.

McDavid shared the story of how one day he was walking in his upscale neighborhood wearing jeans and a t-shirt. He passed by a construction site for luxury condos. Suddenly the foreman yelled at him, “Johnson, you’re late for work again. Get your ass over here!”

At first McDavid protested, “I’m Connor McDavid, captain of the Edmonton Oilers!”

“Yeah, right. And I’m King Tut. Get to work.”

McDavid surmised he must have a look-alike in Edmonton. He stated that he was intimidated by the 250-pound foreman, so he sheepishly followed him on to the worksite and spent the day pouring concrete.

“The guys were using the f-word all day long. I was shocked. I’ve never heard that kind of talk on the ice during a game.”

After work, McDavid was ready to escape, but his fellow workers cajoled him into joining them at a local bar.

“I have to admit that the guys were really good to me and happy to have me with them. But they were just pounding back the beers. I couldn’t believe it. After a game, we usually gather in a quiet place, sip Perrier and listen to classical music.”

After several beers, some of his co-workers became rowdy. “Two guys got into an argument and a fistfight. Again, I was scandalized by their behavior. A barman in a black and white striped shirt had to separate them and give them a time-out, making them cool down for 5 minutes, sitting in different booths in the bar. I know there are some minor scuffles in the NHL, but I never look at them. I always ask the coach if there is going to be an altercation, and if so, I cover my eyes.”

McDavid also shared that the men talked about sex a lot, boasting of the women they had slept with or times they went to the strip joint. He explained, “In the NHL, the married guys always speak respectfully of their wives. Most of the single guys on our team are virgins like me, and we are saving ourselves for the right woman.”

In his final comments, McDavid expressed admiration for construction workers with their long hours and low pay. He said, “They only make $30 an hour, but I make $6000 an hour. So I promised the next time the beers are on me. I could buy a crew of 50 workers about 20 beers each. I think that would relax them enough so there won’t be any fights, and if they pass out, there definitely won’t be any swearing.”



Tim McCauley
The Haven

For years I only composed serious essays, then I discovered there are publications interested in spoofs and satires .