Yo Mama Jokes for the MAGA Crowd

Make America Giggle Again

Steven Stampone
The Haven
2 min readJun 19, 2021


The infamous “Baby Trump” balloon, looking fat, dumb, and angry
Photo by Dave Lowe on Unsplash

Yo MAGA so fat, her Hoveround has a “black licorice matters” sticker on it.

Yo MAGA so dumb, when they swabbed her nose the Q-tip came out her ear.

Yo MAGA so nasty, she doesn’t hoard toilet paper, she just reuses it.

Yo MAGA so poor, she calls panhandling working from home.

Yo MAGA so fat, she concealed-carries a can of SpaghettiOs.

Yo MAGA so dumb, she put up a Smurfs flag to back the blue.

Yo MAGA so karen, when she wears blackface, she calls the cops on herself.

Yo MAGA so fat, she’s socially distanced from her own toes.

Yo MAGA so nasty, she wore the same sweatpants for over a year. But, like, that was normal for her.

Yo MAGA so dumb, she went to a drive-in concert and listened to talk radio.

Yo MAGA so fat, the DoorDash driver calls her Uber Eats.

Yo MAGA so old, she remembers COVID-9.

Yo MAGA so poor, she got excited about her $600 stimulus check.

Yo MAGA so fat, she made a Zoom call and took up the whole screen.

Yo MAGA so dumb, she thinks QAnon is what antifa eats instead of rice.

Yo MAGA so nasty, I caught COVID so I wouldn’t have to smell her.

Yo MAGA so karen, when Walmart told her to wear a mask, she cried like a tear-gassed protestor.

Yo MAGA so fat, she uses hot sauce for hand sanitizer.

Yo MAGA so easy, she only got vaccinated to get some Johnson & Johnson.

Yo MAGA so dumb, she tried to stop the steal by shooting the Hamburglar.

Yo MAGA so karen, she made her meth dealer follow her mommy blog.

Yo MAGA so fat, when she seditiously assaults the House, she seditiously assaults around the House.



Steven Stampone
The Haven

Humorist. Serious-ist. Supercallafragilisticexpialodoc-ist. You get the gist. www.antpoems.com for more.