You Think It’s A Compliment, But It’s Actually Insulting

This helpful list will ensure that you never speak to anyone ever again

Christine Stevens
The Haven

-- Thomas Rowlandson, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Usually, a compliment is pleasant to receive, right? Wrong!! Dumbshit! Why are you so wrong about everything?

Didn’t you know that certain compliments can imply really rotten things that make the person who receives them hate your guts? The worst of course is “You lost weight! You look great.”

Why is that offensive? Why are you such a dumb shit? Don’t you know what that implies — that I used to look like shit and be a big fat pig? And not only that, since the person never mentioned it to me while I was fat, it also implies that all of my so-called friends secretly felt the same thing about me — that I was a big fat pig — but were afraid to tell me. Now that I’ve lost weight, they can make the big reveal — that they’ve all always been kind of disgusted by me. Hooray!

Should You Think Twice Before Complimenting?

Uh…how about thinking twenty times and then just keeping your damn mouth shut?

Maybe this list will help you understand your asshole-hood. These are ten compliments I have received that made me feel like shit and I wish I hadn’t received them. If you want to stop being…

