Your Ego Is The Most Unreliable Narrator Ever
And it is filling you with misinformation.
Life is better post-ego. It just is. Once you have been liberated from the prison of your false, separate, dualistic, nonsensical entity called your ego, joy begins to appear in your life. Real joy. Transcendent joy. Transpersonal joy. Or as they used to say in the sixties — “expanded consciousness.”
That’s kind of a ridiculous term, but it does indicate that your possibilities are expanded once you stop limiting yourself with egoistic thinking.
In the post-ego model, we are trapped by our ego in six ways: thoughts, emotion, ambition, relationships, time, and impermanence. In all of these realms, the ego presents us with false information that for some reason we buy hook, line and sinker — even if we have been rigorously trained in the art of critical thinking.
Why do we succumb to our ego’s machinations? Well, it’s all we know. Our ego has been with us since we were very young, always by our side, and seems to be our indispensable aid for living in this complicated world.
The idea of living without an ego is of course absurd. We must have an identity when we go apply for our driver's license. Come on!