You’re Either Looking Forward to it or Dreading it?

When in fact you shouldn’t be doing either

Daniela Nair
The Haven
3 min readJan 26, 2022


Photo by Amy Humphries on Unsplash

It’s that time of the year again; when the price of roses inflate, sparks are reignited and, the oxygen is overwhelmed with “love”. Yep, Valentine’s Day is coming up and you either love it or you don’t. No judgement here whatever you feel towards it but, you shouldn’t take it to heart much either. Here’s why:

Some V-Day history

The origin of Valentine’s Day is not entirely known, however Rome is a primary source. Lupercalia was celebrated by the Romans from 13 February to 15 February. It was a grand feast that involved the slaughtering of animals and many drunken Romans. Women also gathered to be hit by men with the belief that it would leave them fertile. The celebration also encouraged the random coupling of men and women that lasted for the duration of the festival and of course longer if the couple were happy together. This is one part of this Roman origin.

The second part has to do with an emperor, Claudius II. He actually executed two men with the same name (Valentine) on 14 Feb. This took place in two different years. Their deaths were honoured by the Catholic Church in the form of St. Valentine’s Day.

Later on, St. Valentine’s Day and Lupercalia were merged to get rid of the negative views it brought about based on the unholy acts that were performed in the past. A theatrical approach was undertaken and the day was made to resemble fertility. Galatin’s Day (a day of loving women) was also celebrated during this time and it is possible that these two days were confused over the years. As the years went by, Valentine’s Day became more known as a celebration of love and less known for it’s dark history thanks to famous poets and writers such as Shakespeare, etc.

Photo by Cynthia Smith on Unsplash

V-Day as we know it today

It’s true, Valentine’s Day has earned its reputation as a day of celebration dedicated to all things love. But sometimes love is blind so, don’t be blindsided. What do I mean?

Whether you have Valentine’s plans of finally popping the big question or simply making V-Day a You-Day, Valentine’s Day can be whatever you want it to be and it doesn’t even have to be a part of your calendar at all if you don’t want it to be. Love is all around us (cliché but it’s true), it’s what’s between friends, family, partners, pets, damn it there’s even love between you and your morning cup of coffee (okay maybe that’s just me but it counts okay it’s real love).

So sure, Valentine’s Day is a good way to show your love and appreciation for others. But it means nothing if it’s the only 1 out of 365 days that you do.

Love you. Love others. Every day.

