Crafting Twists and Surprises

Keeping Readers Engaged

Niyati Vats
The Healing Foundation
3 min readJul 11, 2023


Photo by lilartsy on Unsplash


Twists and surprises are powerful tools that can captivate readers and keep them engaged throughout a story. By introducing unexpected plot developments, revelations, and turns of events, authors can create an exciting and memorable reading experience. This article explores techniques for crafting twists and surprises that will leave readers eagerly turning the pages.

1. Foreshadowing:
Foreshadowing is a technique that hints at future events or plot twists without giving away the full details. By strategically placing subtle clues or symbols throughout the narrative, authors can create anticipation and intrigue. Effective foreshadowing prepares readers for upcoming surprises, making the twists feel more satisfying and well-integrated into the story.

2. Misdirection:
Misdirection involves deliberately leading readers to believe one thing while preparing to unveil something entirely different. By skillfully manipulating their expectations, authors can redirect attention and create surprise twists. Cleverly crafted misdirection keeps readers guessing and heightens the impact of the eventual revelation.

3. Unreliable Narrators:
Unreliable narrators can add a layer of unpredictability to the story. When the narrator’s credibility or perspective is called into question, readers are constantly questioning the truth and anticipating surprising revelations. Unreliable narrators can provide unexpected twists that challenge readers’ assumptions and keep them engaged.

4. Character Arcs and Motivations:
Crafting complex and dynamic characters with hidden depths and evolving motivations can lead to compelling twists. As characters undergo personal growth or reveal unexpected motives, readers are taken by surprise. Twists that arise from well-developed character arcs add depth and complexity to the story, making it more engaging.

5. Reverse Chronology:
Experimenting with the narrative structure by using reverse chronology can create intrigue and anticipation. Starting the story from its end and gradually working backward reveals surprising connections, motivations, and events. This unconventional storytelling technique keeps readers engaged as they unravel the mystery and piece together the narrative puzzle.

6. Subverting Genre Expectations:
Twists can be generated by subverting genre conventions and expectations. Introducing unexpected elements or turning familiar tropes on their heads can surprise readers and breathe new life into the story. By defying genre conventions, authors can keep readers guessing and intrigued.

7. Multiple Perspectives:
Presenting the story from different character perspectives offers an opportunity for twists and surprises. As readers gain insight into the thoughts and motivations of various characters, unexpected revelations and conflicts arise. Shifting perspectives can add depth to the story and keep readers engaged by exposing hidden truths.

8. Timing and Pace:
Effective timing and pacing are crucial for delivering twists and surprises. Building suspense and tension gradually, authors create an atmosphere of anticipation. A well-timed twist disrupts the established rhythm, injecting excitement and surprise. Balancing the timing and pace ensures that the twists have maximum impact on readers.


Crafting twists and surprises is an art that keeps readers engaged and invested in a story. By employing techniques such as foreshadowing, misdirection, unreliable narrators, and subverted genre expectations, authors can create a sense of anticipation and deliver unexpected revelations. Character arcs, reverse chronology, multiple perspectives, and careful timing further enhance the impact of twists. Through these strategies, authors can engage readers, spark their curiosity, and ensure an exciting and memorable reading experience.



Niyati Vats
The Healing Foundation

I am a Marketing and a tech enthusiast. The blog is all things marketing, tech and lifestyle. Adding up one small meaningful thing at a time. Happy reading!