Why I practise a phone free morning

And why you should too

Boris Kezic
The Healthy Creative


This isn’t a post about not looking at your phone so you can improve productivity at work. It’s not about a morning routine that guarantees success in your startup. This isn’t another post with the end goal of being more successful in business. This post is about how I took back my mornings for myself. I did it for no other reason than to be a happier, more mindful and conscious person.

Ever since I got an iPhone years ago, my mornings have consisted of scrolling, liking and checking notifications as soon as I woke up. You might be starting your mornings the same way. This year, I stopped.

Why? Because I decided that the first thoughts of my day should be my own.

Now, I turn off my alarm, get up, drink two glasses of water and begin my day. Some mornings I go to CrossFit, others to yoga or for a run. I pray and meditate. Some mornings, when I’m tired, I don’t do any of those. Even on those mornings, I still don’t touch my phone. I eat breakfast, shower and dress for work. By not going on my phone when I wake up, I avoid the assault of images, opinions and stories I didn’t choose. Only once I sit down on the train to go to work, do I look at my phone.

This is over two hours after waking up. Having two hours where most of my thoughts are my own makes me feel peaceful, calm and ready for the day. The articles I choose to read in this state are more positive, chosen more for curiosity and knowledge and less for drama. I’m less reactive and don’t stress about not doing enough or being enough. I compare myself less to others and strive more for what I know I want.

This isn’t to say that I dislike technology or social media. It’s not about shunning your phone completely. The truth is, there will be plenty of screen time in my day. My job as a graphic designer dictates that I spend a large part of my day in front of a screen. And I love my job. I know many people who love theirs too, especially in the creative industry. And am I more productive at work as a result? Yes, I am, but that’s not the point, it’s just a bonus. It’s no secret that happier people do better work.

My mornings are now my own, and I’m happier for it. I welcome you to try it for yourself and take back this most sacred time of the day.



Boris Kezic
The Healthy Creative

Creating good work for good people at Metcon Creative, running and training for an Ironman triathlon.