4 Possible Reasons for Sensitive Skin

Trina Felber
The Healthy Me
Published in
3 min readApr 22, 2018

If you’ve had sensitive skin for as long as you can remember, you know how tricky it can be to take care of. On the other hand, if you’ve recently developed sensitive skin, you’re quickly learning its ups and downs.

Sensitive skin can often be attributed to genetic makeup. Some people just tend to have skin that is far more reactive. However, if your skin has recently started to become sensitive, there might be a different underlying reason.

Before you begin to soothe your skin, it’s a good idea to figure out what is actually going on. That way you can treat the cause, not the symptom.

Poor Diet

A poor diet can easily translate to bad or sensitive skin. Your skin will be more prone to acne, redness, oiliness and dryness. A diet consisting largely of junk food, processed fats and almost no healthy greens or proteins, will not give you the healthy glowing skin you want.

With a well-balanced diet, you can actually improve your skin. Drink plenty of water and incorporate healthy proteins and greens into your diet. It might take some time, but you will begin to see the results in your skin as it becomes less sensitive.

Skin Conditions

If you have a skin condition such as psoriasis, rosacea or eczema, you know how sensitive your skin can get. When something triggers one of these conditions, your skin gets red and dry, and rashes and acne break out.

When sensitivity increases, it can be hard to trace what triggered it. The first step is to look into the products you use on your skin: shampoo, face wash, serums, lotions, and even clothing and laundry detergent. Chemicals in these products can make a huge impact on your skin, so you need to be careful with what you use on a daily basis.

Overexposure to UV Rays

Skin sensitivity can also be caused from overexposure to UV rays. This increases exponentially when you don’t use sun block. UV rays can damage your skin and induce the growth of cancerous cells.

We all know what happens when you stay in the sun too long. Your skin becomes dry and red. Stay in the sun long enough, and it will begin to burn and bubble and become tender. (Ouch!) When the redness and swelling go down, the skin begins to flake. Wearing clothes while the skin heals can agitate the burned areas.

This increase in sensitivity is probably the easiest one to prevent. Always wear some sort of sun protection while you’re outside: sun block, hat, long sleeves, or even all of the above.

Bad Skincare Products

The biggest culprits — and yet the hardest to deduce — of sensitive skin are skincare products made with bad ingredients. The chemicals they contain can wreak havoc with your skin.

The can cause breakouts, allergic reactions, redness, and even tingling or burning sensations. These sensitive skin issues are not only uncomfortable when they happen but they can also be a pain to deal with.

In my opinion, you should only ever use all-natural products made from organic ingredients that support your skin and overall health. They’re crafted without the use of chemicals, additives, fragrance and other potentially harmful ingredients. Instead, their natural ingredients can nourish your skin.

A bad case of sensitive skin can be frustrating. You try using one product, only to make things worse. You eat something that you thought was safe, only to cause an allergic reaction. There are so many factors to think about. It can be overwhelming and challenging.

Keep these possible reasons in mind the next time you experience a change in your skin. You might be surprised to find out what is actually causing the change.

Have you ever had a reaction to something that caused your skin to be more sensitive? What happened? How did you get your skin back to normal? Let me know in the comments below.

