Creating A Healthier You | The Healthy Me Podcast Episode 001

Trina Felber
The Healthy Me
Published in
21 min readJan 9, 2018

Welcome to The Healthy Me episode number 001… I’m Trina Felber, Registered Nurse and CEO of Primal Life Organics.

That is how you create, empower and invite your HEALTHYME into your brain.

I give you four steps to creating The Healthy Me.

The first step is to create and develop your Healthy Me personality.

The second step is to put that person two feet in front of you, AN ARMS LENGTH AWAY and that person forms a bubble around you for the next three-four months or longer, it doesn’t matter. As long as it takes for that person.

Every day, that bubble should be closing in on you until it’s saran wrapping you, until the day you realize, I don’t have to think about, I don’t have to ask myself what would the healthy me do.

Every question on day one, two, and three, when your mind remembers that healthy me is there, every question needs to ask “What would the healthy me do? What would the healthy me do? What would the healthy me do? What would the healthy me say, think, eat? How would the healthy me react? Would the healthy me answer the phone right now, or would the healthy me take care of myself? What would the healthy me do?

As that bubble gets closer and closer, you will become that personality. You will have altered your brain. You may have moments of weakness, but you will never have to put that person two feet out again if you call them back up very quickly.

The third step is going to bed at night. You need to focus on who you want to be when you wake up, how you’re going to wake up, and tell your brain to go to sleep. Tell your brain sleep deep, REM, all night. Okay?

The fourth Step is to take a breather. Close your eyes, and uplift your mouth. If you do this often enough, you will notice as you live your day, that you will automatically hold your mouth in a smile, and your energy will be so much higher.

Today I am empowering you with Four Simple Steps To Creating A Healthier YOU!


Welcome to The Healthy Me episode number 001… I’m Trina Felber, Registered Nurse and CEO of Primal Life Organics.

I believe there is a healthy person living in everyone. It is proven that on a day to day basis, we function from our most comfortable personality. We are “robotic” in our thinking, doing and ultimately creating of our future self.

I believe we have multiple personalities and the Healthy Me is one of them.

Unfortunately, we are in the habit of “being ourselves” and while change may happen for a short time, we ultimately fall back into our “comfort zone” and into the habit of being ourselves.

Stop for one second and reflect about this: most likely, when you created a lasting change in your life, it occurred after you stepped out of your comfort zone.

The Healthy Me is designed to help you “call up” your healthy self, step out of your comfort zone, shake things up and get results. Find and empower your Healthy Me!

Today I am empowering you with Four Simple Steps To Creating A Healthier YOU!

We typically take the path of least resistance, meaning the easy way out…. And because of that, we actually develop a personality that I call the easy me. It’s the easy me. It was easy, and when the Easy Me is in charge, we resist change.

Have you ever made a spur of the moment decision that wasn’t good? You “unconsciously” made that decision — your Easy Me took the easy way out.

When you have a BIG decision to make, you have to be conscious to make the right choice- right? That’s why BIG decisions are uncomfortable — because you HAVE to be conscious and The EASY ME is not in charge when you become conscious! Stick with me — I will explain how this relates to creating the person you want to be!

Let’s talk for a moment about the path of least resistance. Admit it, often, you take to “easy road” because it’s easier!

It’s human nature. We F ourselves all the time. We totally do. We are, by human nature, always going to take the path of least resistance unless we consciously choose a different path.

Not too many people say, “Yes, I want to go to college and spend a lot of money, sit in class all day, take tests and do research papers.”

You have to consciously make yourself do that. It’s a good decision, but you have to make yourself do it, right?

​Left to your own devices, would you get up to go to work if they would just continue to deposit the check? No.

You consciously have to get yourself out of bed to go to work because you know that the check won’t be there unless you get out of bed. Right?

That path of least resistance your Easy Me personality. The personality you function from on a daily basis.

Does that make sense? No? It doesn’t make sense? I’m going to explain it to you.

I’m going to prove to you that you are who you are today and who you are today is who you functioned from yesterday, the day before, the day before, the day before, the day before, the day before, the day before, the day before, the day before that, way back there…. Because you have been unconscious.

Your EASY ME personality might’ve changed a bit. You grew up a little bit, but the personality that you created is the person that you are. It’s who makes your daily decisions — you know, latte or no latte?

​If you want to make a change, you can’t really change The Easy Me. You created HIM. He is in here (point to head) and He is STRONG.

HE is not comfortable being someone completely different, so New Year’s day shows up, you made a few resolutions and NOW the moment of truth. Day ONE of The Easy Me trying to be the NEW You….

And you don’t want to do what you said you were all gung ho to do last night…and I’ll tell you why.

Because when the person inside of you (the easy me- running your show) got a handle on the NEW you resolution, HE feels uncomfortable and says, “Holy crap, today’s the day — no, I don’t want do that. It’s not me”

And you’re right — HE’s right. It’s not you. It’s not the YOU that YOU function from. I’m going to prove to you that you have multiple personalities.

​I struggled with being healthy for a long time. In fact, it wasn’t until approximately 10 years ago that I finally realized why I couldn’t keep my New Year’s resolutions, give up unhealthy habits and really live “healthy”.

I mean, have you ever made a New Year’s resolution to keep it up for three, four, five days and then ultimately go back to your old habits? I couldn’t figure out why that was happening, but I’m telling you, it dawned on me one day.

It’s not that I didn’t want to be healthy because I really did. It’s not that I didn’t want to go to the gym because I really did. I could see and picture myself being this beautiful, fit, healthy person, eating healthy foods, going to the gym every day, doing yoga, doing meditation, doing all these things, yet that person could never be me.

I was never really that person. It’s a person I just envisioned. Then, one day I realized the reason that I could not be healthy and keep those healthy habits was because that wasn’t my comfort zone.

That wasn’t the personality I was working with. My framework and every decision I made was from The EASY ME personality.

​The EASY ME wasn’t so healthy. If I wanted to BE healthy, I would need to create an new, HEALTHY PERSONALITY- THE PERSON WHO IS COMFORTABLE CREATING HEALTHY HABITS.


I know there’s a lot of you out there who envision that person you want to be, but there’s a disconnect. A step in between who you are and who you want to be.

There’s a totally disconnect between that person that you envision and the person you are today, and that’s where the healthy me comes in.

I’m going to share with you how I got to the point where I am today. I changed my personality- actually created a NEW personality to function from- the Healthy Me!

Here’s how I did it… How I made that person way out there that I saw in the distance that I really, really, really wanted to be and how I became that person.

It’s actually really simple. I created a simple process to bring life to the person you want to be! CREATE YOUR HEALTHY ME….

​How To Create your HEALTHY ME!

There’s a couple steps that you have to do, but the first thing you have to do is realize that you have multiple personalities.

I do, you do, everyone does. And it’s OK.

My favorite story that I love to tell people is about Mrs. Smith- she lives inside me- an alter ego that I created.

Yes. I have an alter ego that I call Mrs. Smith- I created her for a purpose. I was working with a life-coach and I told her,

“I just can’t get anything done. I can’t. I’m getting interrupted, my kids, my family, dogs, house, everything is going on in my life and I can’t get anything done. When it comes down to the wire, I just get frantic.”

​She said, “During those times, you need to be a different person. When you need to call this person up, you simply pull the trigger and call that person up, but you need to find a person you want to be.”

I envisioned and built a personality that can kick butt and get things done….Before I tell you about my kick-butt personality, I want to explain to you the reason why New Year’s resolutions don’t work.

Okay? Stick with me. What happened is this…. You developed into a personality, (I call the EASY ME)?

You have labeled yourself as certain things in your brain. You talk to yourself a certain way.

Your brain is already pre wired to make decisions without you consciously knowing it. You are unconsciously being WHO you created.

Okay? It has nothing to do with:

“that’s just how I am”,

“I just don’t like to run”

“I don’t eat vegetables”

“I always have my latte with sugar”

You consciously have nothing to do with those decisions….. It’s not your fault TODAY….. BECAUSE That’s who you created in your brain YEARS AGO!!

TODAY…It’s uncomfortable to try and do things that you’re not used to. You are a habit.

It’s like walking into the grocery store. I could probably blindfold every person out there, send them into the grocery store, and you would probably come out with 99% correct items in your cart because you are in the habit of know where everything you buy is located, what it feels, smells like and you purchase almost the same things every single time.

You are a creature of habit… the EASY ME

You have to consciously be aware of habitual behavior. But in order for change to happen, you have to create the personality who has that behavior. The Healthy Me.

We all have multiple personalities. Okay, let me prove it to you.

I have two ways that I can prove to you that you have multiple personalities.

​The EASY ME person is who you function from every single day. It’s the person that you are because it’s who you’re comfortable with. He’s your most prominent and unconscious personality. He’s YOU.

You also have OTHER personalities! If something stressful happens that stresses you out, you turn into STRESS-ME personality.

Stress-ME personality deals with STRESS OR CHANGE by binge eating, going to Starbucks and grabbing a latte, lying on the couch and crying, watching TV. You know what YOU do!

There’s a trigger and it’s stress and then you turn into this “other” person, STRESS-ME personality, and STRESS-ME functions because he is comfortable in those types of situations.

Notice I did not say HE is healthy… we can work on creating a new, better equipped STRESS-ME later. Let’s get the Healthy Me in charge and trust me…. STRESS-ME shows up way less!

Okay? I’m going to prove it to you again.

​You go to the bar with your friends and someone has too much to drink.

It might not be you, maybe it’s a friend… but we have all witnessed the transition.

The person who turns into SOMEONE ELSE.

We hear it all the time. Man, when you drink, you are someone else.

Well, of course they are. It’s a personality inside their brain, and it lets loose under alcohol.

Some people say that’s your true identity. I don’t know. I don’t really care, some people become really quiet. Some people who are naturally shy become loud and obnoxious, flirtatious.

It’s because you’re functioning from a personality inside your brain.

The trigger is alcohol, and it calls up another personality… the one who functions “best” under the influence

It’s who you become and who you are. Not good or bad, and I’m not judging.

I want you to understand that you have multiple personalities… and here’s the strength in that knowledge…

​Today as you sit here right now, you can develop a personality that you want to function from every single day.

If you have struggled with weight, if you have struggled health, fitness.

If you have struggled with alcohol, addictions, cigarettes,

If you have struggled with becoming angry or frustrated with your children.

Yelling and losing your patience, if you have struggled with these things, it’s because you are functioning inside of a personality that doesn’t know any other way to deal with these things situations. You are functioning from habit.

What I’m here to tell you is you can create a HEALTHIER personality, and it’s not hard, but it does take the work.



The first step to creating your Healthy Me is that you have to stop, sit down and write out who exactly you want to be. You have to write out exactly who you want to be to the T. You have to define yourself. Re-define yourself. Your characteristics. Actions. Beliefs.

​Okay, you don’t have to change your hair color and you’re not going to lose 10 pounds… But you have to define the personality traits that you want.

The first step is putting down on paper who you want to be.

When my kids upset me, I’m going to take a deep breath and I’m going to give them a hug.

​Be conscious of who you are now and who you want to re-create.

I want to be conscious of who I am in every decision I make. I want to stop being habitual. I want to stop and think about life.

I want to be present, in the moment.

I want to eat healthy. I want to skip the ice cream after dessert.

I’m going to tell you how you get there, but the initial step is defining those characteristics, and it doesn’t have to be all inclusive here, okay?

​Because as you go through the next couple of days, thinking and defining who you want to be, — notice when you’re doing something that you wouldn’t define as healthy or define as who you want to be in your Healthy Me personality, and I want you to write that down.

At ten o’clock at night, when you reach for the bag of chips, I want you to write that down. Okay? I’m not saying forever you’re never, ever, ever going to be able to eat those. I’m saying to train yourself into being conscious of what you are doing… and who you want to be.

You’re going to have to get over some hurdles, but I’m going to teach you how to get over those hurdles.

​For me, it worked like a gem. I can’t guarantee it’s going to work. You’re going to have to do the work, okay? It’s only going to work as good as you put the effort into it, but I promise you it’s a pretty simple way of creating a Healthier personality for yourself.

Okay? Are you with me? Let me get back to my story about the personality I created when I wanted to kick some butt and get work done, okay?

Mrs. Smith. I needed to get work done. A No-excuses, kick-butt personality.

In my mind I envisioned Angelina Jolie as Mrs. Smith, and of course, I liked Mr. Smith too, but I wanted to be Mrs. Smith.

​She kicked butt. She got IT done, and she was the bomb.

She didn’t take no for an answer, she didn’t care who got in her way, she didn’t, and it was her husband she was beating up on.

I’m not saying I wanted to beat up on my husband, but I needed to set the boundary that when I become this person, the work needs to get done and everything else at this moment needs to stop.

Mrs. Smith doesn’t come out every day. I don’t pull Mrs. Smith up to the forefront every single day, but when I have the deadline and when I’m stressed and when I need to get something done, Mrs. Smith is called up and I get it done, and almost no situation puts a halt to it.

Got it?

​Mrs. Smith is not who I am every day. It’s not who I function from. I’m very comfortable with her and I really love her and I wish I could sometimes function from her every day, but it’s not realistic.

The person that I created to function from every single day is the Healthy Me. You can call him or her the healthy you. You can call him a name.

If you’ve got a better thing to call it, go for it, but it’s THE person that you’re creating, the person that you’re putting out in front of you.

Your first step is to define who that person is, and it’s a process. Every single time that you think of something or you do something you like/dislike… write it down.


At this point, you are creating a new personality, and you can put in some of your old personality, but you want to make sure that you’re putting in the things that you like, the things that you want.


Once you’ve defined YOUR HEALTHY ME, and who this person is going to be, and you’ve sort of named them, you need to create him outside of your mind.

He has to live outside of your body before he can live inside of your brain. Here’s why- your already dominant personality is in charge of your head… like it or not- he will not let this guy in. You have to be sneaky and trick your brain into “liking” him…

So…. You need to put that person you created (the healthy me) OUT in front of you. It’s like a SHIELD.

This person is going to walk about two feet in front of you at all times and you will filter every decision through him. You can touch them, so he’s an arm’s length away. He’s right here.

He is ALL AROUND you. You are in the bubble of your new personality, got it?

Every situation that you are in needs to filter through that personality, and it’s going to take at least a week for you to remember that he’s even there, so you’re going to walk into Starbucks, you’re going to sit down to order, you’re going to be getting your cup of java or dinner, and you go, “Crap. Forgot to filter this one.”

You have two choices. This is where you stop and you think, “What would the Healthy Me do? Would the healthy me say “okay, next time I’ll remember to filter it because now I’m more aware?”

What would the Healthy Me do? Would He say, “You know what, I’m going to throw this one away or give this one to someone else and I’m going to reorder what I really should’ve ordered.”

Okay? Are you getting the picture?

​When you sit down to eat at a restaurant and you’re looking at the menu, the first thing that should come to mind is my bubble is right here, the bubble.

The Healthy Me. He’s all around me. I’m going to filter this decision through the Healthy Me.

What would the Healthy Me order? What looks good to the healthy me? Skip the fried food. Let me go to the baked children and the broccoli or the salads. Okay? You don’t have to skip the alcohol, but I would filter that through.

What would the healthy me do? It’s a Wednesday night. I have to work tomorrow. I’d like to get up and do my workout, so what would the healthy me do?

Who is the healthy me going to be tomorrow morning if I am drinking beer tonight on a Wednesday?


As you live more consciously over the next few months, that Healthy Me becomes closer and closer and closer and closer to you.

So that eventually the healthy me is right here, you’re pretty much rubbing against the Healthy Me all the time. You almost don’t even need to ask what the Healthy Me would do… You unconsciously function from the Healthy Me.

​When do you know that you have become that person and that person has stepped inside of you?

You know it when you no longer have to say, “What would the healthy me think? What would the healthy me do?” Because the decisions are coming out.

When your daughter walks up and is crying and screaming, you’re not throwing your arms up. You take a deep breath and you say, “What can I help you with? I’m here for you.”

You know it when you don’t have to stop and reorder. You know it when it becomes automatic. You know it when it’s comfortable. When it’s comfortable.


​It’s uncomfortable out here. It’s uncomfortable. It’s not you. When stress happens, you become someone else. As soon as you recognize it, and it won’t be the first minute, won’t be the second minute.

It might be two days into a stressful event that you all of a sudden think… “Wait a minute. What would the healthy me do?

The healthy me would sit down and meditate.

The healthy me would go to bed and take a nap because sleep sometimes helps.

The healthy me would take care of myself. The healthy me would go for a run. That’s when I figure things out. I don’t sit in front of the TV and figure things out.”

When stressful situations happen, we’re not ourselves. That’s why it’s not comfortable, but you can pull yourself back to being that healthy person so much faster when you tune in and realize, “I’m not comfortable with this personality.”

Have you ever said, “I’m sorry, I am not myself”? I am not myself right now. You’re not. You are, you are a personality that you have developed to deal with that type of situation.

At night time before you go to bed, what I want you to say to yourself is a couple things. Okay?
​The thoughts that go through your head at night are setting you up for either success or failure in the morning. Okay?

When you go to bed at night, you close your eyes, say your prayers, and then envision what you’re going to wake up like. Envision your sleep.

I’m going to get into deep sleep REM sleep. You tell your brain. Your brain doesn’t know. Your brain is used to just going to sleep and is like, “Okay, I’m going to do whatever I usually do.”

I can tell you I tested this with my sleep app. The nights that I would tell myself I’m going to get deep sleep, boom, it was straight across deep sleep.

The nights I didn’t, I was all over the place because my brain didn’t know, so now every night before I go to bed, I just tell myself, “You, brain, are going to sleep really deep.” Boom. I’m out.

You also want to envision what you’re going to wake up like.

Are you going to wake up and hit the snooze six times? Because that’s what you’re used to, right?

If you tell yourself, “Okay, no snooze! I am going to open my eyes and let the daylight in”

As soon as you open your eyes and you let the light in, it triggers something in your brain to say, “It’s time to get up.”

If you’re going to get up and work out and you struggle with that, I usually tell myself this little trick. When my early alarm goes off, I tell myself…

I’m going to be just as tired in an hour as I am right now, so I might as well get up and work out… because that’s what’s going to make me feel better. That’s what the healthy me would do.”

You set yourself up for success in the morning.


The Healthy Me sometimes needs to power-up or re-charge.

This is a little exercise that I created recently to help me recharge. It was on a long flight home. I had a lot of things going through my head. I closed my eyes and I realized my mouth was just heavy and my body felt really, really heavy.

Close your eyes for one minute right now, just a couple seconds. Close your eyes. Keep your mouth however you would keep your mouth, just normal. Feel your mood. What are your thoughts?

Notice are your hands face down, or are they face up?

First thing, I want you to put a smile on your face. Not a big smile. It doesn’t have to be a big smile. It just means that you are conscientiously moving the muscles of your face to form a smile.

​What happened to your mood? Did you notice anything? Do it again. Let your mouth go flat. Do you feel heaviness?

Lift your mouth. Did you feel the weight lift off your shoulders?

The next thing I want you to do is close your eyes and put your hands down. On your knees, on your lap. Face palms down.

This is an uplifting. You can sit at your desk, close your eyes for 30 seconds, and this will help you improve your emotional state, your healthfulness, your mindset.

Close your eyes, hands facing down. Smile. Now, change the direction of your hands to face up.
​Do you notice a lifting as well?

Those two moves done either independently or together change your mindset, change your energy field, change your energy level and your mindset. Make you conscious of your self.

That’s it. That’s all you have to do.

That is how you create, empower and invite your HEALTHY ME into your brain.

I gave you four steps to creating The Healthy Me.

The first step is to create and develop your Healthy Me personality

Step TWO is to put that person two feet in front of you, AN ARMS LENGTH AWAY and that person forms a bubble around you for the next three-four months or longer, it doesn’t matter. As long as it takes for that person.

Every day, that bubble should be closing in on you until it’s saran wrapping you, until the day you realize, I don’t have to think about, I don’t have to ask myself what would the healthy me do.

Every question on day one, two, and three, when your mind remembers that healthy me is there, every question needs to ask “What would the healthy me do? What would the healthy me do? What would the healthy me do? What would the healthy me say, think, eat?

How would the healthy me react? Would the healthy me answer the phone right now, or would the healthy me take care of myself?

What would the healthy me do? As that bubble gets closer and closer, you will become that personality. You will have altered your brain. You may have moments of weakness, but you will never have to put that person two feet out again if you call them back up very quickly.

Step Three

​Third, going to bed at night. You need to focus on who you want to be when you wake up, how you’re going to wake up, and tell your brain to go to sleep. Tell your brain sleep deep, REM, all night. Okay?

Step Four

The fourth Step, take a breather. Close your eyes, and uplift your mouth. If you do this often enough, you will notice as you live your day, that you will automatically hold your mouth in a smile, and your energy will be so much higher.

I’m so happy that I can be here with you guys. I’m so happy that I can share this insight.

It was 10 years in the making for me to actually realize that I created this healthy personality, to create the healthy me.

Now I function from the healthy me 95% of the time.

​Do I have breakdowns? Do I have moments where I’m stressed out? Do I have moments where I revert?

Yes, of course, everyone does, but the healthy me is my go-to personality. It’s my comfortable personality.

I’m very, very proud to say that this is a philosophy that I have created because I lived through it, because I knew that I wasn’t getting anywhere being the person that I was because I wasn’t comfortable.

The person that I was, was not comfortable with some of the behaviors that I wanted to instill in my life.

​It’s simple. It’s a simple, simple solution to just changing your life.

You can’t change it overnight. You can’t change it overnight because your personality that you’re functioning from resists it.

It will resist it to the point where you give up because YOU can’t do it with WHO you are today. You cannot do it in this personality.

Very few people can change without realizing they have to give some things up. In order to give some things up, you can’t look at it like you’re giving things up. You have to look at it like I’m developing a better life.

I’m developing a better person. I’m developing a Healthy Me, which is completely different than trying to change the messed up guy in here, right?

Because we’re all f’ed up in here sometimes.

​This guy (point to head) wants us to stay here, stay right here.

No, you don’t want to get out of bed at 5:00 AM to go for a run. Hell no. He doesn’t want to. He sleeps till noon.

That guy. (point outside)… The Healthy Me..

That guys does!

That guy who stands right here, two feet in front of me, that guy wants to get up and be healthy, and that is the guy that I want talking to me in here. (point to head)

Thanks, guys.

That, my friends, is what the healthy me is about.

This what my life is about.

That’s why I created the businesses that I’ve created. That’s why I’ve created the lifestyle that I have, and it’s why I have created more than one personality.

I’ll see you. Mrs. Smith signing off.

