Face Mapping: How to unlock your skin’s secret code

Trina Felber
The Healthy Me
Published in
3 min readJan 28, 2018

Face mapping can seem like a strange concept at first. But once you unlock the code, this ancient Chinese medicine practice has endless benefits.

The practice of face mapping is rooted in the belief that our skin reflects what is going on inside the body. Different areas of the face are connected to different organs and their functions.

The appearance of pimples, dark spots and acne can be indicators of problems far deeper — not just at the surface of the skin. Through face mapping, you can actually learn what is going on to improve your skin and overall health.

Face Mapping Regions

When it comes to face mapping, the different regions of the face coordinate and represent different organs and functions in the body.

  • T-Zone or forehead — This area is connected with the digestive system of the body, namely the stomach, kidneys and the spleen.
  • Ears and temples — These areas are connected with the kidneys.
  • Nose and Upper Cheeks — These are connected with the heart and cardiovascular system.
  • Cheeks — This area is connected with the lungs, stomach and liver.
  • Jawline — This area is connected with the large intestine.
  • Chin — This area is connected with the kidneys and the production of hormones in the body.

What Do the Pimples Say?

The next time you experience a breakout or a juicy zit appears out of no where, pay attention to where it has appeared on your face. If pimples keep flaring up even while taking good care of your skin, there might be a problem related to it other than overproduction of sebum or problematic skin.

T-Zone or forehead — Problems in this area might refer to problems in the digestive system or in the function of the kidneys, bladder and spleen. Moreover, stress-related breakouts can also appear here.

Are you experiencing constipation, IBS or UTIs? If so, you might want to try the following to see if it helps your skin and digestion: stay hydrated, stop drinking alcohol, eat raw foods, drink kombucha, and exercise 30 minutes a day.

Ears and temples — If you’re feeling dehydrated or if your lymphatic system has poor circulation, you might notice your skin acting up in these areas.

When this happens, drink plenty of water and avoid things that will dehydrate you, such as alcohol, caffeine, sugar, smoking, salt and processed foods.

Nose and Upper Cheeks — Poor circulation or blood pressure and bad cholesterol can create acne and oily skin on your nose and upper cheeks.

To prevent or combat this, drink green tea, eat less red meat and salt, get adequate levels of vitamin B and B6, and exercise regularly.

Cheeks — Breakouts on your cheeks can be caused by poor air quality, asthma, poor dental health or inflamed gums.

If you’re smoking, you should work to quit that habit. Reducing alcohol, junk food, and eating too much sugar will also help clear your skin. Make sure you’re eating plenty of dark, leafy greens, drinking water, and getting fresh air.

Jaw Area — A poor diet can cause problems in the large intestine. Lack of fiber and leafy greens in the diet can cause breakouts to occur.

The obvious solution is to eat more leafy greens and fiber. Refraining from eating before going to sleep will also help. Regular exercise and massages will help your digestive system move better.

Chin — Imbalance in hormone levels can cause pimples to appear on the chin. A breakout here also indicates poor function of the kidneys.

Make sure you are getting enough rest during the day and that you sleep 7 to 8 hours each night. Practice yoga or meditation to help reduce stress. Taking supplements such as omega-3, vitamin D and magnesium and eating organics foods — especially when it comes to meat — will help as well.

How Can Organic Skincare Help?

Free from any preservatives, additives and chemical ingredients, organic skincare products are a perfect way to boost the health of your skin. And since they are free of toxins and harmful ingredients, they’ll naturally improve the health of your body.

While deep problems identified through face mapping might require you to undergo lifestyle changes, organic skincare can ensure that the products you use do not disrupt your biological functions or contribute to the imbalances and problems you are facing.

Have you tried the practice of face mapping? What results did you see? I’d love to hear about it in the comments below.

