Glow up with this powerful skincare ingredient

The Power of Vitamin C

Trina Felber
The Healthy Me
4 min readApr 8, 2018


Vitamin C is renowned for helping the body in a number of ways, including healthy bone growth and keeping your immune system in top shape. Vitamin C is also really good for your skin.

Used topically, vitamin C can be the secret ingredient for the glowing skin you have been looking for. Skincare with vitamin C is available in serums or creams. When used consistently, it can cause a visible change in a few short months.

I love organic face serums made with vitamin C… So much so that I rounded up this vitamin’s main benefits so you can understand why. And don’t worry — I’ll include my favorite serum at the end.

Skincare made with vitamin C is extremely rich in antioxidants and can help boost the production of collagen in the skin. With regular use, this in turn helps you look younger and keeps wrinkles and fine lines at bay.

Late nights and not enough sleep can contribute to dark circles under the eyes. Dark circles can be tough to correct, since they form on your most delicate area of skin. Vitamin C serums can help counteract dark circles with their gentle, all-natural ingredients.

Pigmentation on the face can be a real issue. Whether it is because of sun damage, bad diet or sleeping habits, vitamin C products can help lighten discolorations and give you a more even skin tone.

Continued use can help even out the most stubborn areas. Coupled with the right skincare products, you can easily look healthier, younger and more lustrous too.

When you go out in the sun without sunscreen or any protection, sun damage will occur. This can be slight enough that you won’t notice or it can be severe enough to cause visible sun spots, uneven skin tone or even sunburns.

Using products with vitamin C before and after going outside will help speed the healing process and reverse sun damage. This super-ingredient helps ensure that skin repair happens at a cellular level.

So what do I use?

C-ex Vitamin C Face Serum from Primal Life Organics, of course! I teamed up with Liz Wolfe from Real Food Liz to create an all-natural serum packed with this potent ingredient.

A lot of people ask us, “What percentage of Vitamin C is in C-ex?” We don’t have a percentage, because our serum is not an isolated ascorbic acid serum. That type of vitamin C serum is intended more for exfoliation. Their percent concentration controls the acidity level, which affects exfoliation. So with C-ex face serum, the percent of vitamin C doesn’t come into play and neither does acidity.

C-ex Vitamin C Face Serum uses extracts that are naturally rich in vitamin C to nourish the skin and support barrier function. For example, one powerful ingredient is acai berries. They help rejuvenate and revitalize the skin while improving cell regeneration. They also improve your skin’s overall moisture, health and appearance.

Another amazing ingredient is rosehip seed oil. It is a great source of omega 3, omega 6 and vitamin C. This oil has incredible skin rejuvenating properties. It can repair the skin’s surface, restore elasticity, protect against sun damage, reduce scars, and prevent wrinkles and signs of aging.

With our serum, you just need to massage a few drops into your face once a day or once every few days. You’ll experience incredible results in no time.

Primal Lifer Ixtlaly G. has seen some amazing changes after using C-ex:

“I have always had a baby face, but since using Primal Life Organics products, especially the C-ex Vitamin C serum, I have been told that I look like I am 18 again! I am 37, so I look half my age!

“I definitely noticed my skin was smoother. I was not trying it out for anti-aging, but instead I was using it to remove my acne scars and it works. I also barely have any fine lines or wrinkles. My skin feels great after using it, and I definitely recommend feeding your skin something natural and good for it like this product is!”

Feed your skin something natural.

I’m sure an all-natural vitamin C serum — such as C-ex Vitamin C Face Serum — will quickly become a regular staple of your skincare routine.

