17 Things You Should Always Have in Your Pantry

Nicole Rhodes
Rooting For Health
Published in
2 min readOct 6, 2017

Over the past few years ive found that if I always have these items, ill be able to make something decent! Most of what I eat revolves around these foods, although having a variety is very good, these are some items I tend to gravitate toward, becaue there are so versatile in what I can make with them.

  1. Mixed greens/ or spinach
  2. Eggs
  3. Ham coldcuts
  4. Bagels/english muffins or bread — preferably whole grain
  5. Red peppers
  6. Chicken- I usually buy tenders
  7. Sweet Potatoes
  8. Carrots
  9. Hummus
  10. Mixed Nuts
  11. Penut butter (or some other type of nut butter)
  12. Rice- preferably brown or quinoa even
  13. Cans of black beans
  14. Avocado’s or Guacamole
  15. Salsa
  16. Tortilla Chips
  17. Bananas

I can make so many things from these items, Ill list a few of my favorites here:

Burrito Bowl!

Ingredients: Rice, Black Beans, Chicken, Mixed greens, Avocado, Salsa, Opt: Tortilla chips

This meal is so easy to make, it all goes into one bowl! You just cook the beans, rice and chicken on the stove and add in the avocado, mixed greens and salsa, once the others are cooked. If youd like to crunch up some chips and add them or use to scoop up your burrito bowl, go for it! So easy and quick!

Breakfast Scramble:

Eggs, Red peppers, Spinach, Aam, Avocado and Salsa!

I usually start to cook the red peppers beofre anything becasue they take a bit longer to soften up. I add the ham next, and then the eggs (I usually use 2) and scramble them up with the ham and peppers. When theres about a minute left for them to cook I add the spinach (spinach doesnt take very long at all to cook). Top with avacado and salsa!

Avocado toast W/ Egg

Very millenial of me I suppose, but I dont eat it very often. It is a great breakfast item though.

Toasted Bread, Cooked egg (with some cracked pepper), and half of an avacado either in slices or mashed in a bowl and spread onto the toast.

Easy Lunch:

One lunch item that has never let me down in the good ol’ Ham sandwhich.

Mine includes Either bread or a bagel, Ham, Mixed greens, and mayo. Its so easy for when im really hungry and just need to eat something fast.


Red Peppers/Carrots and Hummus:

My favotie hummus is the Sabra Roasted Pine Nut Hummus

Sweet Potatoes:

I love using sweet potatoes as a desert (I know sounds dorky but hear me out) Ill buy a few sweet potatoes, cut them up into bite size chunks, cook at 375 for about 20–25 minutes (poke them with a fork, if they are still hard in the middle, cook for longer). After they have been cooked I let them cool and put them in the fridge for storing. When I want to have them as a desert ill warm them up in the microwave or stove, sprinkle some brown sugar on them and devour! Yummy yummy yummy.

Banana and Penut Butter

Pretty self explanatory! To spice it up, sprinkle some granola on it too!

