Hello! (read me first)

Nicole Rhodes
Rooting For Health
Published in
1 min readAug 21, 2017

Hello! Welcome to my publication!

I will admit that I have never done anything like this, and its my first publication so bear with me in these first posts as I figure out how I want this formatted/themed etc.

But FIRST! A bit about me so you can understand the purpose behind this publication:

I am a college student, studying Public/Community Health. I chose my major after working in an organic sandwich shop a few summers ago, and fell in love with the culture and nature of their brand. They brought in all organic and local foods and take pride in being an eco friendly company. It was very refreshing to work at a place that valued the same things that I did. They made it easy for people to access quick, tasty, healthy food.

From there I decided that I wanted to dedicate my life to promoting healthy eating and healthy lifestyle habits. I feel as though most people want to be healthy, but they don’t know where to start or who to believe when it comes to health products.

This publication will serve as an outlet for my thoughts and ideas about community health, nutrition, and personal health.

I am in no way a certified doctor and this is just an outlet for my ideas, I will not be giving out medical advice, as I am not qualified to do so.

Other than that, I hope you enjoy. Im welcome to comments and feedback!


