Split apart

Felipe Hefler
The heart chronicles
2 min readNov 20, 2014


I see your broken heart,
Leaving my frozen soul.
The tears in your eyes
Are imprinted in my brain.
They are the shear size of your pain,
Unchanged by a hidden menace of my disgrace.
My emotionless face mirrors your broken spirit
Demolished by the dark evil inside me
I see you’ve been hurt

You fade away from my sight,
Crossing gates that will take you away from me.
Once and for all.
Yet nothing I do to stop it at all.

Split apart, you going south,
Me staying north.

Confusion inhibits my decisions,
Clouds my judgment,
Numbs my feelings.
We should talk
And not walk away from each other.

Looking now,
Is kind of easy somehow,
To see back in time
When I lacked words to scream out loud:
“– Stop right there! Stay here with me.”
Everything we’ve been put through,
Made you stronger
Than you thought you could’ve
But it may have set us even further

Me going south,
Meeting again your mouth.
Waking up from my senseless hibernation.
Touching your lips and setting us on fire again.
Unconditionally in love.
That once got buried deep inside of us
Emerging from the bed we were,
The raw feelings that once I was looking for
From times before

Drunken words spat out of my mind
Sounding like uncompromising lies,
Yet keeping me up all nights
Thinking of the consequences of my acts
And moments we never had.

But we hesitate to get back.
You, understandably though,
Afraid of having another dart
Crossing through what’s left of your heart.
Me, hoping to have cleared my head
From the bad decisions I ever had.

Now it’s me northbound,
And you staying south
Split by forces I’m yet to know.
Crushing our souls
By these doubts that have set us apart.

