I need a band of brothers

We all do

Harvard Miller
The heart is central
3 min readJan 27, 2019


HBO.com screenshot

Living in the world without someone by your side is dangerous, if not downright insane.

Did you ever watch one of those National Geographic specials from Africa?

Maybe one about the big cats, or one of the other predators like the hyena or wild dog.

No matter how many of the hungry beasts there are, they always use the same modus operandi.

Divide and conquer.

And they don’t, as a rule, attack the young and the strong, they go for the weak, the sick, the old, the lame, the diseased.

Like us, when we try to live this life as a lone ranger.

I know there are times when we have to go it alone.

(We’re never really alone-”I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Jesus)

Yet, as a rule, in this world we need each other.

A lot.

One of the things that has struck home to me over and over this summer (2008)is the power of two versus one.

Many of the friends I have helped this summer with odd jobs, to earn some money, is that two of us did together more than double what one of us could do by ourselves.

For example, try holding and nailing in place-straight that is!-a sixteen foot fence plank. I don’t THINK so!

Most tasks require help. Living and surviving and prospering in the world requires cooperation.

I know I need lots of help. Just ask my family and friends. For over two years they got me to work, church, AA, Celebrate Recovery, EVERYWHERE!

Why? Because I was weak, sick, lame, diseased, OLD, and without a drivers license! Just use a wee bit of imagination…lol

Why they stuck by me through all of that is beyond me.


But, now I am in a better place. A place of healing, of purpose, of peace, of passion, and yes, power.

Power to be dependable, to be there for people, to give back.

And, by the grace of God, I’ve just begun.

Some of you might wonder why I titled this post Band of brothers.

Because I need men and women in my life and they need me.

On the cover from the HBO mini-series “Band of Brothers” this sub-heading underneath:

They depended on each other. And the world depended on them.”

DVD cover

We still do.

The world still does.

We need each other.

And the world desperately needs us to be a part of a Band of brothers and sisters.

There is a battle going on.

We are in it.

We can’t do it alone.

I’m living proof.

Yet…together we CAN save the world one person at a time.

One day at a time

Thank YOU for being my brother and sister.



p.s. This post was first published in August of 2008. A lot has happened since then.

Stay tuned

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Harvard Miller
The heart is central

To inspire, encourage and coach people to close the gap from surviving to thriving by renewing their bodies, minds and hearts. Certified 3Dimensional Coach.