What ChatGPT and the AI Revolution Mean for Your Children

3 Essential Parenting Considerations for Today’s Future

Terranie Clarke
The Heart Next Door
4 min readApr 13, 2023


Photo by Andrea De Santis on Unsplash

The AI Revolution is here.

Some may argue that it‘s been here, but the dawn of ChatGPT makes its presence among us simply undeniable.

Not only undeniable, but unavoidable — despite recent regulation efforts to stop this new wave of technological progress in its tracks.

Dozens of school districts and even countries have banned the use of ChatGPT and just yesterday, the U.S. Government expressed concern and raised questions about the potential need for AI regulation.

While concerns regarding privacy and discrimination are valid, the larger fear seems to be fear of the unknown. Fear of the unchartered and unprecedented. All valid fears, considering the unforeseen ways that technology has altered our lives just in the last few decades.

It’s as if it swept us off our feet and dropped us off in an entirely unrecognizable universe.

We said goodbye to landlines and hello to smart phones.

Goodbye to CDs and stereos, and hello Apple Music and Spotify.

Goodbye to VHS movies, and hello Netflix and YouTube.

And while we’re at it, hello Instagram, TikTok, Uber, Airbnb, self-checkout, curbside pickup, Amazon’s next day shipping, self-driving Teslas, and the list goes on and on…

Needless to say, advancements in technology have drastically altered our everyday lives.

And unfortunately as we opened our arms to such great advancement, we inadvertently welcomed some unfortunate byproducts too, like cyberbullying, social isolation and risks related to data and privacy.

“Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master.”

― Christian Lous Lange

As such, this creates the vital need for us, as parents, to be not only cautious, but intentional. As technology continues to play an increasingly significant role in our daily lives, the ways in which we raise our children must also change.

In today’s world, children are growing up as digital natives, surrounded by technology and influenced by the advancements of artificial intelligence. As a result, parenting in the age of AI presents unique challenges and opportunities.

To ensure that we are all up for the task, here are 3 recommendations to help navigate the digital landscape while raising children in a technology-driven world.

Maintain Healthy Boundaries

To successfully navigate the challenges of raising digital natives, we must adopt a proactive approach. It’s been said before, and I’ll state it here again. One of the most critical strategies is to set clear limits and boundaries for screen time and device use. We should prioritize healthy habits like setting designated times for technology use, encouraging outdoor play, and avoiding screens before bedtime.

Excessive screen time and device use have been linked to a range of negative outcomes, including sleep disturbances, obesity, and poor social skills. There are also risks associated with addiction to technology, with some children showing signs of withdrawal when their devices are taken away. It is essential for us to establish healthy habits within our household and to limit screen time to ensure that technology use does not become detrimental to our child’s development.

“The real problem is not whether machines think, but whether men do.”

― B. F. Skinner

With Education, Comes Safety

Additionally, digital literacy education for both children and parents is essential to ensure that children understand how to use technology responsibly and safely. We should communicate openly with our children and take an active interest in their online activities to help identify potential risks and promote safe and responsible technology use.

As stated earlier, privacy and data security are major concerns, as AI tools tend to collect and store vast amounts of data about its users. It is therefore essential to navigate these concerns carefully and prioritize the well-being and privacy of your household. This may look like understanding how to use privacy settings and securing your online accounts or even understanding the specifics of how AI systems work and what kind of information they collect and analyze to make more informed decisions.

Leverage it for Good

This may be the most crucial recommendation of them all because our role as parents is to prepare our kids for the world they will face after we are gone. And the truth is, most of the jobs that our kids will grow up to have don’t even exist yet.

That’s how rapid this wave of technology is expected to propagate, once again changing the course of life as we know it. This means that our future, and moreover our children’s future, depends on their ability to not only utilize AI, but to leverage it for their personal use and advancement.

For children, AI can offer various benefits, including personalized learning experiences and improved access to information. There are various ways both children and parents can use AI for good. One way is by utilizing educational apps and tools that utilize AI to enhance learning experiences. For example, some language learning apps like Duolingo, use AI to provide personalized feedback and recommendations to improve language skills. It’s educational products like these that we should encourage our children to use and ultimately master for the sake of today and life beyond.

“Technology like art is a soaring exercise of the human imagination.”

― Daniel Bell

In the end, by implementing these suggestions in our households, we can all navigate the complex landscape of raising digital natives in the age of AI and help our children thrive in a rapidly changing world.

Cheers to the future!



Terranie Clarke
The Heart Next Door

I write about maternal health, education, healing & family wellness. Building legacies with literacy and love. Pre-Order Waking Up to Grace heartnextdoor.com