
The Heart Of It
Published in
3 min readOct 18, 2016

Have you heard what has happened in the news today? Chances are that you have because not only are the airwaves replete with twists and turns of events but online/social platforms are driving topics into every crevice — there is nowhere that you can hide! Unless of course, you live under a rock. There, you can certainly avoid the 24/7 stream.


The grim tide, once reserved

For a nightly fix, in interest

Once accessible through the grapevine

Now spawned throughout the West

When day breaks, it beckons

All the many who might invest

In the pursuit of more knowledge

Now, it never lets one rest

The Skyhooks called it a horror movie

What else could it be?

Yes, a 24/7 horror movie

Taunting you to see

A system of globalised disarray

Powered by the Western quest

Seeking a universal synergy

That feeds from first-world breast

Israel continues on to conquer

Land and city of the blessed

Not in His honour; Proverb 14:31

To keep Palestinians oppressed

Across the border, more sad events

As lives are lost in Syrian unrest

While world nations debate borders

To help the twenty million dispossessed

The Skyhooks called it a horror movie

What else could it be?

Yes, a 24/7 horror movie

Taunting you to see

ISIS forges a greater strong-hold

To encourage the would-be terrorist

Mainstream grieves with USA and France

Debating the logic of the extremist

What of the many lives lost elsewhere?

The media seems to forget the rest

Millions in poverty and civil conflicts

Yet, we only see what impacts the West

Climate change is now a serious issue

A known fact by any environmentalist

While leaders debate its severity

The boat may surely be a-missed

Across the seas, North Korea flexes power

By executing yet another nuclear test

While Russia and the United States

Vie to see who is the strongest

And the race for America’s new President

Between two sheep to be undressed

Revealing a pair of hungry wolves

Engaged in a political con-test

The Skyhooks called it a horror movie

What else could it be?

Yes, a 24/7 horror movie

Taunting you to see

Meanwhile, Australia engages in debates

Over the meaning of what is racist

Changes to Section 18C of the Act

Supported by many a liberalist

A Jordanian Christian writer is killed

For featuring material of anti-Islamist

If we turn back many pages in history

The battle was predicted by Nostradamus

Among all the rubble that humans create

One man stands as a new optimist

Elon Musk plans to send humans to Mars

A second-chance idea that is populist

In spite of many technological advances

Our planet Earth has surely regressed

Ecologies on which we live rather than with

Causing imbalance that must be addressed

Developing AI and sponsoring life

The plans of many a scientist

For the expansion in lore of robotics

The desire for an artificial rationalist

The Skyhooks called it a horror movie

What else could it be?

Yes, a 24/7 horror movie

Taunting you to see

The grim tide, it surely flows

To show humanity at its worst

A plight to sustain the world

Now a torrid, insatiable thirst

