Tales of Life

The Heart Of It
Published in
2 min readJan 25, 2018

I don’t want to fade away

Into bones that no one checks

For my stories, my life’s way

Where is it that my soul goes?

I don’t want to disappear

Without a trace left of me

Some may shed a tear

But what about my tales?

The pieces of my life

Making up a whole, my life

Full of poems, songs and more

What will you read about me

When you can no longer see

My being or hear my voice

Or ask me about my choices?

Will you know me, my lore?

I want to leave a legacy

One of an eternal plight

Fulfilling my very own destiny

To share words with the world

I won’t give up until I’m done

Stories shared, my work is made

Helping people find their sun

Everyone has something to share

The pieces of my life

Making up a whole, my life

Full of poems, songs and more

What will you read about me

When you can no longer see

My being or hear my voice

Or ask me about my choices?

Will you know me, my lore?

We are but a speck on the surface

On which there are many others

We can leave with just a trace

A footprint of life experiences

Can each of us find love

In that special skipping beat way?

Nonetheless there is much love

Between people in our lives

The pieces of my life

Making up a whole, my life

Full of poems, songs and more

What will you read about me

When you can no longer see

My being or hear my voice

Or ask me about my choices?

Will you know me, my lore?

