Don’t Worry. Be Happy.

L Kelley
The Heart of Quran
Published in
4 min readJun 23, 2019
Shasta, one happy dog, such a good example — personal photo

The title comes from lyrics to a catchy little tune that was popular in the late 1980s. It also includes the lines:

In every life we have some trouble
But when you worry you make it double
Don’t worry, be happy
Don’t worry, be happy now

That’s what God tells us in the Quran as well. Don’t worry. God is in full control of everything. Be happy. Happiness comes from worshiping God alone.

It’s easy to say, but is it easy to do? Yes, it is. It’s a choice we make. We choose whether we want eggs or cereal for breakfast. We choose if we want to wear the blue shirt or the green shirt. We choose whether to stop at the store or go straight home after work. These are choices we make. Well, we also make the choice to be happy or to be miserable. Abraham Lincoln is quoted: “Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be.” (from

When something bad happens to us, we can choose to complain and fuss about it, or we can ask God to relieve our adversity. When He does relieve our adversity, we can choose to accept that and simply go on, or we can thank God and appreciate His mercy. We can choose to learn from the experience and thus grow our souls.

When someone treats us unfairly or badly, we can respond in kind, or we can choose to forgive the action and try to be understanding of the circumstances. We can turn to God and ask Him to help us be more patient, kind and humble. If you react to the negative situation with anger, frustration or animosity, it never makes you feel better (except maybe for just a moment of self-righteous satisfaction: “I showed you!”), and it very rarely helps the situation. It usually just makes it worse. So, now you’re in a negative situation which is causing you discomfort and you’ve added to it by losing your temper and lashing out at someone else. Guilt is now piled on top. As the song says: “You make it double.”

Every day our lives are loaded with decisions to make. The single most important one is whether we will worship God alone, follow His commandments, and strive in His cause, or listen to the whispers of our most ardent enemy, Satan. And the beautiful thing is that if we choose correctly here, every other decision is a piece of cake.

[19:76] GOD augments the guidance of those who choose to be guided. For the good deeds are eternally rewarded by your Lord, and bring far better returns.

[17:19] As for those who choose the Hereafter as their priority, and work righteousness, while believing, their efforts will be appreciated.

[16:97] Anyone who works righteousness, male or female, while believing, we will surely grant them a happy life in this world, and we will surely pay them their full recompense (on the Day of Judgment) for their righteous works.

But it’s not a one-time decision and it’s done. We can’t just say, “I believe in God alone,” and think that we’re saved. We are constantly faced with making the correct decision, the decision not to worry, to be happy. Distractions are everywhere.

[9:24] Proclaim: “If your parents, your children, your siblings, your spouses, your family, the money you have earned, a business you worry about, and the homes you cherish are more beloved to you than GOD and His messenger, and the striving in His cause, then just wait until GOD brings His judgment.” GOD does not guide the wicked people.

[7:175] Recite for them the news of one who was given our proofs, but chose to disregard them. Consequently, the devil pursued him, until he became a strayer.

[10:101] Say, “Look at all the signs in the heavens and the earth.” All the proofs and all the warnings can never help people who decided to disbelieve.

In the New Testament, Matthew 6:31–34 Jesus says: Stop worrying, then over questions like, ‘what are we to eat, or what are we to drink, or what are we to wear?’ The unbelievers are always running after these things. Your heavenly Father knows all that you need. Seek first his kingship over you, his way of holiness, and all these things will be given you besides. Enough, then, of worrying about tomorrow. Let tomorrow take care of itself. Today has troubles enough of its own.

The Quran gives us the same advice: [20:130] Therefore, be patient in the face of their utterances, and praise and glorify your Lord before sunrise and before sunset. And during the night glorify Him, as well as at both ends of the day, that you may be happy.

[10:62–4] Absolutely, GOD’s allies have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve. They are those who believe and lead a righteous life. For them, joy and happiness in this world, as well as in the Hereafter. This is GOD’s unchangeable law. Such is the greatest triumph.

So why worry? Why be angry or hurt or negative? If we choose God in every situation, He will bring us through it calmer and more confident, stronger in our submission, and happier in our lives. As Jesus said, we don’t need to worry about tomorrow. Today is enough. And then there’s this thought: Today is just the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.

With God, the true tomorrow is Heaven, and if we choose that path, God promises us: [32:17] You have no idea how much joy and happiness are waiting for you as a reward for your (righteous) works.

Happiness is all around; embrace it! — personal photo



L Kelley
The Heart of Quran

I love writing, visiting and photographing our natural wonders, and sharing my life with my dogs. God has truly blessed me.