Driving the Dempster

Experience an amazing highway

Lisa Spray
The Heart of Quran


In the name of God, most Gracious, most Merciful

Driving the Dempster in the Yukon’s north

Is not for those who fear to go forth.

But for those of us who God does bless,

craving adventure it does address.

lf you’re one who doesn’t mind

facing anything you find.

Be it dust, mud, ruts, or rocks,

semis, moose, grizzlies or fox.

Which around each turn and bend,

anytime, or spot may park.

To you this road will be a lark.

If you want beauty below and above,

this is a road you will sure come to love.

It’s too beautiful for mere words.

With or without the song of birds.

A falcon here, some grouse there,

If you’re lucky snow shoe hare.

Little birds there do abound.

Sometimes even wolves may sound.

This quite rough road will take you

up into white clouds and snow.

Down and then up you will go.

Up you drive into wet mists

with thick black-brown mud below.

So if you love to camp

And do not mind the damp,

Being splashed with dark muck,

Or swimming like the duck,

come and drive the Dempster,

it will test your temper.

Let the Lord guide your soul

as you head toward your goal.

Your heart that will lighten

and soul it will brighten.

This poem was written as we drove the Dempster in August and September of 2019. Praise God it was a very wonderful trip. Thank you for reading and Peace.



Lisa Spray
The Heart of Quran

I 💕nature, photography, writing & travel. I find deep sharing heals. All with sincere faith are my spiritual family. Editor: The ❤️of Quran. Join us there 🤝.