
How To Submit For The Heart Of Quran Publication — For Everyone

All the details you need to submit your work to us

Lisa Spray
Published in
7 min readMay 8, 2019


by an editor of The Heart Of Quran

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Salaam Alaikum dear brothers and sisters,

Please if you are Muslim, or are interested in Muslims and Islam we would love to see your articles, poetry, memoirs, stories, etc. Please submit your best work. We need pieces that will enhance our understanding of each other, help us to build a strong and positive interaction among all of our of Muslim family here on Medium, and Inshallah (God willing in English), perhaps also be useful for involving the next generation in our community. We also welcome materials from those interested in our faith.

At this time we welcome any submissions that are family friendly, whether or not they have been published elsewhere. Unfortunately, a piece can only be published in one Medium publication at a time.

Please read through all of the rest of this article carefully, as there are some ways you can get help if you need assistance with editing. Also, there are a couple of ways you can submit your work to us.

However to begin with, ’AhlaanWelcome. We are glad you are here to participate in what, Inshallah, will be a positive and loving dialog among the Muslims of Medium and our brethren who wish to interact with us. In order to keep that tone, no materials will be accepted that are not positive and in accord with 17:53. In our invitational and welcoming articles we shared Yusufali’s translation of this verse. To strengthen our understanding of it here it is again using Khalifa’s translation:

Tell My servants to treat each other in the best possible manner, for the devil will always try to drive a wedge among them. Surely, the devil is man’s most ardent enemy. (Quran 17:53)

In other words, in order to promote open and positive dialogue among our ummah (community in English) and with our brethren, we ask that you follow the wise old advice, “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.” Now, that does not mean that you cannot voice your opinion, but it must be done in an amicable and caring manner. It is also essential that if someone responds to your article or story, etc., you clap for their response so that it will become visible to anyone reading your piece. Otherwise you cannot open true dialogue.

The only exception to this is if there is anything that is not amicable in their response. Please note that you may not agree with what they say, but that is fine. However if they are not totally friendly, please do not clap and notify us immediately by email to and include a copy of their response. If they are another writer for us that privilege will be revoked, provided we agree with your opinion.

Please keep this in mind also when you are responding to someone else’s piece. All interactions must be amicable.

We also ask that you follow these guidelines:

1. As Muslims, our common bond is Allah (God) and the Quran. And our bond with our interfaith family is our universal Creator. Our new guidelines and editors request that all submissions be dedicated to God or have no dedication as we don’t want to displease God.

Is one who pursues God’s pleasure the same as one who incurs wrath from God and his destiny is Hell, the most miserable abode? [Quran 3:162]

… Jesus answered him, “It is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and him only shall you serve.’ [Luke 4:8]

2. We don’t want to favor any messengers or prophets over others.

Say, “We believe in God, and in what was sent down to us, and in what was sent down to Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob, and the Patriarchs; and in what was given to Moses and Jesus, and all the prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction among any of them. To Him alone we are submitters.” [Quran 2:136]

And since God never puts anything after the names of the prophets and messengers (like “alayhi salaam” or “peace be upon him” in English) in the Quran or the Bible we request that our writers follow His lead.

3. We should be able to uphold the highest level of truth possible with God’s help. As much as possible, information given should be verifiable, if stated as fact.

You shall not accept any information, unless you verify it for yourself. I have given you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brain, and you are responsible for using them. [Quran 17:36]

Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
[John 8:32]

As an example of this guideline, perhaps I am very fond of hot milk with honey in it. However, I do not want to write that everyone should drink hot milk and honey because God does not command that. Instead I want to write something like: “I like to drink hot milk with honey. It warms me and reminds me of my wonderful mother who used to make it for me on cold days.” Thus, by sharing my own experience I deliver my message without making it seem like this is something God wants us to do.

4. The first time you use a phrase or word that is not in the English language please put its translation to English in parentheses following it. For example: “Inshallah (God willing)” and “Gracias (Thank you)”.

5. You may share your personal experience as you wish but please do not write blanket statements or personal opinions you cannot back up with scripture. For an example please see the example given for item 3 above.

6. Please remember that the unifying factor for our community is God and His scriptures, so it is important to stick to them. For example: Rather than quoting a Hadith (narration of what the prophet Muhammad may have said) find a verse in the Quran, Bible, or other divine scripture (like the Vedas) that supports your point.

7. And finally please remember, honey draws more of God’s creatures than vinegar does.

If you are new to Medium and need help in setting up your story, or if you would like some tips on what help is available with English spelling and grammar please read Words Of Wisdom From One Who Is A Native English Speaker — Part 1. The article will also give you information on joining a Medium writers group formed to help improve each others’ writing. If we have editing suggestions when we at The Heart of Quran review your piece, we will email directly to you about them.

Once you have finished your piece, please be sure to add tags to it. At least one of your tags should be in the following Medium categories: Nonfiction, Short Story, Poem, Childrens Stories, Women or Interfaith. That will allow us to put your piece in the proper category(s) on the home page once we have published it. If you have room, we also recommend that you include the tag for The Heart of Islam to help other readers who do not read or write here know about this, your publication.

NOTE that we only publish free-to-view materials so that everyone can read our publication. Please make sure that the Distribution Setting has the green box below UNCHECKED where applicable. You will only see this if you have set yourself up in the Medium Partner Program.

Once your piece is set up in Medium either as a draft or a published piece, there are two ways that you can submit it to us if you have not been set up as a writer with us yet, which normally happens the first time we publish one of your pieces. After you are set up as a writer the process is a bit different (See below). But first let us tell you how to submit your first piece.

Your First Submission

Please submit your first piece by emailing us at our publication’s address:

In your email, please include your first and last name, your Medium name. If you do not know your Medium name, simply click on your icon at the top right of any story you are working on. The name beginning with “@” that appears just below your account name is your Medium name. Finally, please include the link to your first submission.

Important: Sadly, if the piece has been published in another Medium publication, we cannot add it to ours because Medium only allows a piece to be in one publication at a time.

Later Submissions

If you have already published with us you will already be set up as a writer for us. In this case there is a good Medium help file to tell you how to submit subsequent pieces. To get to that file, please click Here.

Submission Summary

  • Review story
  • Add at least one of the following tags to your story: Non Fiction, Short Story, Poem, Childrens Stories, Women or Interfaith
  • If possible add a tag for The Heart of Quran
  • Submit your story, being sure to uncheck the box to earn money for your story.

Thank you for your interest in writing for us, and may Allah bless you with a wonderful end of Ramadan and all the best in your writing and your life, Inshallah.



Lisa Spray
The Heart of Quran

I 💕nature, photography, writing & travel. I find deep sharing heals. All with sincere faith are my spiritual family. Editor: The ❤️of Quran. Join us there 🤝.