Let Me Be…

Zahra Ali
The Heart of Quran
Published in
2 min readSep 7, 2020
Photo by Ifrah Akhter on Unsplash

I pray You to let me be
the strength in her limbs
The drive in her rims
The smile on her face
How beautifully I’ll embrace

I pray You let me be
The bravery in their eyes
The life they compromise
To keep their word to stand
Reaching nations in grand

I pray you let me be
The fire that kindles him for greatness
Leaving the world shattered with light
His kindness wrapping the kingdom of the world so tight

I pray you let me be
her tears of joy
Cuz she’s done better than mama’s boy
The arms of her to reach the broken
Uplift the fallen

I pray you let me be
In the shoes he wears
The Taqwaa he bears
everyday his ego in faith he drills
And everywhere he goes love and peace he fills

I pray you let me be
The words that ignite them to reach beyond possibilities
They say bad attitudes are the real disabilities
O let me be the wings for them to fly
To do wonders beyond the sky

I pray you let me be
The rescue when she’s abt to drown
The rain to wash away from her face the frown
From the ups and downs
Of this fragile life having many clowns

I pray you let me be
The undying words to keep her glow
O my Allah let me be the tree of her where she perseveres to grow
All the way giving her spine chilling-inspiring tick

Traveling in the depth of her to forever stick

I pray you let me be
the one who awakens her to be the gem she was
Living every moment for a greater cause
To heal the scarred
Of the broken, and pledge to be the lioness guard!

