Let’s not be like this!

God willing a fun and helpful poem for kids and us all

Lisa Spray
The Heart of Quran


Photo by Darren Halstead on Unsplash

There once was a bump
who called himself Trump.

personal photo of a frump

There are once was a frump
who mocked Mr. Trump.

Until she realized
she too is just a bump
in this great, huge universe
bigger than brains can grasp.

Away from her bad mocking
she decided on walking.

So she gathered every screech and scream
and rant so mean.
Put them in one big lump
and took them to the dump.

In the Quran God tells us not to mock each other, and He calls it wickedness:

O you who believe, no people shall ridicule other people, for they may be better than they. Nor shall any women ridicule other women, for they may be better than they. Nor shall you mock one another, or make fun of your names. Evil indeed is the reversion to wickedness after attaining faith. Anyone who does not repent after this, these are the transgressors. [49:11]

So it is a good thing that the frump realized she was wrong and stopped mocking Mr. Trump, isn’t it? The poem said that she took her bad mocking words to the dump, but we know you can’t just throw mocking words away. We must repent for them, reform and plan on never mocking again.

Thank you for reading my poem. I hope you enjoyed it.



Lisa Spray
The Heart of Quran

I 💕nature, photography, writing & travel. I find deep sharing heals. All with sincere faith are my spiritual family. Editor: The ❤️of Quran. Join us there 🤝.