My Identity

Yes! I am a Muslim. I am, Proud to be.

Alif Hunafah
The Heart of Quran
2 min readDec 4, 2019


My poetry

Image by Samer Chidiac from Pixabay

I am a Muslim —

A name familiar, but for wrong reason,

An identity, misunderstood very often.

I am not a Muslim by name or birth —

But to the will of my creator, I bowed in complete submission.

Hearing me say —

Some curl their lips in disdain,

And some give terrified expressions.

Terrorist/extremist/fanatic/radical Muslim —

are different titles I am given,

But to them, I have neither close nor distant relation.

I am proud to be a Muslim —

For it transformed me into a better human.

From all forms of alcohol/tobacco/ drugs —

My taste buds refrain.

From looking at any obscene things —

My eyes abstain.

My heart restrains —

From all shameful desires or unlawful relations.

My body desists —

From doing any immodest/immoral actions.

My tongue holds back —

From saying harmful/hurtful/ disrespectful/disgraceful words.

My mind sees no disparity or discrimination —

For no man is superior over the other either by wealth, caste, color, region or religion.

To be just and honest, I try my best.

“Whoever kills an innocent man is as though he killed the whole of mankind” —

The creator’s warning is engraved in my mind.

I dare not disobey any of his commandments.

I am his weak slave just striving to be obedient.

I submit myself —

To the will of the Lord, the exalted, the merciful and the most magnificent.

Call me by any name —

I shall die a Muslim.

