Nothing Lasts Forever

Musings on impermanence

Lisa Spray
The Heart of Quran


Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash

Actually the title of this story is incorrect. For God lasts forever. Rather, I should have said nothing worldly asks lasts forever. That is a true statement.

It is hard for me to imagine what it must be like to last forever. I am caught in time, while God is not. God does last forever. God exists outside of time. He created time. He created existence itself.

God does last forever. God exists outside of time. He created time. He created existence itself.

Most humans find this concept very hard to understand. We don’t have the ability to imagine what eternity really means. We find ourselves limited by time and space — but nothing limits the One we call God.

Yet we act as if we will live forever on this Earth. We fool ourselves:

We never decreed immortality for anyone before you…. (Quran 21:34)

In a few short years, or months or even days, we too will end up in the grave. Sadly, most people on Earth don’t live as if they will die and face their Creator. Instead, they live as if they will last forever on Earth and never have to face the consequences of their decisions and actions.

As I grow older, I lose more and more of my friends and spiritual family. Actually, I learned of another loss this very morning. Their loss reminds me of my own mortality. Someday, whenever God wills, I too will return to Him.

All human beings will meet the same fate. None of us live on this Earth forever:

No one dies except by GOD’s leave, at a predetermined time…. (Quran 3:145)

At God’s time we all return, whether we like it or not. So, we need to live with that in mind. Inevitably we will face God on our resurrection. At that point either joy will fill us because of what we did for our souls or regret and sorrow that we did not do more will.

I pray you will grow your soul as large as it can become so joy and happiness will fill you when you face God! And I pray the same for myself.

Thank you for reading this story. Please, if you would like, share your thoughts on our impermanence.



Lisa Spray
The Heart of Quran

I 💕nature, photography, writing & travel. I find deep sharing heals. All with sincere faith are my spiritual family. Editor: The ❤️of Quran. Join us there 🤝.