Path in the desert; Personal picture

Who are Muslims?

The Heart of Quran


Muslims strive to be the best they can be
with their thought, word and deed

On earth gently they walk
With humility is their talk

God’s forgiveness they seek
With peace they greet

Charity they give
For pleasing God alone they live

Treat each other with kindness
All these are part of righteousness

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[Quran 90:11] He should choose the difficult path.
[90:12] Which one is the difficult path?
[90:13] The freeing of slaves.
[90:14] Feeding, during the time of hardship.
[90:15] Orphans who are related.
[90:16] Or the poor who is in need.
[90:17] And being one of those who believe, and exhorting one another to be steadfast, and exhorting one another to be kind.
[90:18] These have deserved happiness.

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