Verses in the Quran about Adam

Azhar Khan
The Heart of Quran
Published in
8 min readJul 23, 2021
Sunrise — photo by Lisa Spray and used with her permission

[2:30–39] Recall that your Lord said to the angels, “I am placing a representative (a temporary god) on Earth.” They said, “Will You place therein one who will spread evil therein and shed blood, while we sing Your praises, glorify You, and uphold Your absolute authority?” He said, “I know what you do not know.” He taught Adam all the names then presented them to the angels, saying, “Give me the names of these, if you are right.”
They said, “Be You glorified, we have no knowledge, except that which You have taught us. You are the Omniscient, Most Wise.”
He said, “O Adam, tell them their names.” When he told them their names, He said, “Did I not tell you that I know the secrets of the heavens and the earth? I know what you declare, and what you conceal.” When we said to the angels, “Fall prostrate before Adam,” they fell prostrate, except Satan; he refused, was too arrogant, and a disbeliever.
We said, “O Adam, live with your wife in Paradise, and eat therefrom generously, as you please, but do not approach this tree, lest you sin.”
But the devil duped them, and caused their eviction therefrom. We said, “Go down as enemies of one another. On Earth shall be your habitation and provision for awhile.”
Then, Adam received from his Lord words, whereby He redeemed him. He is the Redeemer, Most Merciful.
We said, “Go down therefrom, all of you. When guidance comes to you from Me, those who follow My guidance will have no fear, nor will they grieve.
“As for those who disbelieve and reject our revelations, they will be dwellers of Hell, wherein they abide forever.”

[3:33] GOD has chosen Adam, Noah, the family of Abraham, and the family of Amram (as messengers) to the people.

[3:59] The example of Jesus, as far as GOD is concerned, is the same as that of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him, “Be,” and he was.

[5:27–31] Recite for them the true history of Adam’s two sons. They made an offering, and it was accepted from one of them, but not from the other. He said, “I will surely kill you.” He said, “GOD accepts only from the righteous.
“If you extend your hand to kill me, I am not extending my hand to kill you. For I reverence GOD, Lord of the universe.
“I want you, not me, to bear my sin and your sin, then you end up with the dwellers of Hell. Such is the requital for the transgressors.”
His ego provoked him into killing his brother. He killed him, and ended up with the losers.
GOD then sent a raven to scratch the soil, to teach him how to bury his brother’s corpse. He said, “Woe to me; I failed to be as intelligent as this raven, and bury my brother’s corpse.” He became ridden with remorse.

[7:11–35] We created you, then we shaped you, then we said to the angels, “Fall prostrate before Adam.” They fell prostrate, except Iblees (Satan); he was not with the prostrators.
He said, “What prevented you from prostrating when I ordered you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and created him from mud.”
He said, “Therefore, you must go down, for you are not to be arrogant here. Get out; you are debased.” He said, “Grant me a respite, until the Day of Resurrection.”
He said, “You are granted a respite.”
He said, “Since You have willed that I go astray, I will skulk for them on Your straight path.
“I will come to them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left, and You will find that most of them are unappreciative.”
He said, “Get out therefrom, despised and defeated. Those among them who follow you, I will fill Hell with you all.
“As for you, Adam, dwell with your wife in Paradise, and eat therefrom as you please, but do not approach this one tree, lest you fall in sin.”
The devil whispered to them, in order to reveal their bodies, which were invisible to them. He said, “Your Lord did not forbid you from this tree, except to prevent you from becoming angels, and from attaining eternal existence.”
He swore to them, “I am giving you good advice.”
He thus duped them with lies. As soon as they tasted the tree, their bodies became visible to them, and they tried to cover themselves with the leaves of Paradise. Their Lord called upon them: “Did I not enjoin you from that tree, and warn you that the devil is your most ardent enemy?”
They said, “Our Lord, we have wronged our souls, and unless You forgive us and have mercy on us, we will be losers.”
He said, “Go down as enemies of one another. On earth shall be your habitation and provision for awhile.”
He said, “On it you will live, on it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.”
O children of Adam, we have provided you with garments to cover your bodies, as well as for luxury. But the best garment is the garment of righteousness. These are some of GOD’s signs, that they may take heed.
O children of Adam, do not let the devil dupe you as he did when he caused the eviction of your parents from Paradise, and the removal of their garments to expose their bodies. He and his tribe see you, while you do not see them. We appoint the devils as companions of those who do not believe.
They commit a gross sin, then say, “We found our parents doing this, and GOD has commanded us to do it.” Say, “GOD never advocates sin. Are you saying about GOD what you do not know?”
Say, “My Lord advocates justice, and to stand devoted to Him alone at every place of worship. You shall devote your worship absolutely to Him alone. Just as He initiated you, you will ultimately go back to Him.”
Some He guided, while others are committed to straying. They have taken the devils as their masters, instead of GOD, yet they believe that they are guided.
O children of Adam, you shall be clean and dress nicely when you go to the masjid. And eat and drink moderately; Surely, He does not love the gluttons.
Say, “Who prohibited the nice things GOD has created for His creatures, and the good provisions?” Say, “Such provisions are to be enjoyed in this life by those who believe. Moreover, the good provisions will be exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection.” We thus explain the revelations for people who know. Say, “My Lord prohibits only evil deeds, be they obvious or hidden, and sins, and unjustifiable aggression, and to set up beside GOD powerless idols, and to say about GOD what you do not know.” For each community, there is a predetermined life span. Once their interim comes to an end, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor advance it.
O children of Adam, when messengers come to you from among you, and recite My revelations to you, those who take heed and lead a righteous life, will have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve.

[7:172–173] Recall that your Lord summoned all the descendants of Adam, and had them bear witness for themselves: “Am I not your Lord?” They all said, “Yes. We bear witness.” Thus, you cannot say on the Day of Resurrection, “We were not aware of this.”
Nor can you say, “It was our parents who practiced idolatry, and we simply followed in their footsteps. Will You punish us because of what others have innovated?”

[7:189] He created you from one person (Adam). Subsequently, He gives every man a mate to find tranquility with her. She then carries a light load that she can hardly notice. As the load gets heavier, they implore GOD their Lord: “If You give us a good baby, we will be appreciative.”

[17:61–70] When we said to the angels, “Fall prostrate before Adam,” they fell prostrate, except Satan. He said, “Shall I prostrate to one You created from mud?”
He said, “Since You have honored him over me, if You respite me till the Day of Resurrection, I will possess all his descendants, except a few.”
He said, “Then go; you and those who follow you will end up in Hell as your requital; an equitable requital.
“You may entice them with your voice, and mobilize all your forces and all your men against them, and share in their money and children, and promise them. Anything the devil promises is no more than an illusion.
“As for My servants, you have no power over them.” Your Lord suffices as an advocate.
Your Lord is the One who causes the ships to float on the ocean, that you may seek His bounties. He is Most Merciful towards you.
If you are afflicted in the middle of the sea, you forget your idols and sincerely implore Him alone. But as soon as He saves you to the shore, you revert. Indeed, the human being is unappreciative.
Have you guaranteed that He will not cause the land, on shore, to swallow you? Or, that He will not send upon you a tempest, then you find no protector?
Have you guaranteed that He will not return you to the sea another time, then send upon you a storm that drowns you because of your disbelief? Once this happens, we will not give you another chance.
We have honored the children of Adam, and provided them with rides on land and in the sea. We provided for them good provisions, and we gave them greater advantages than many of our creatures.

[18:50–51] We said to the angels, “Fall prostrate before Adam.” They fell prostrate, except Satan. He became a jinn, for he disobeyed the order of His Lord. Will you choose him and his descendants as lords instead of Me, even though they are your enemies? What a miserable substitute!
I never permitted them to witness the creation of the heavens and the earth, nor the creation of themselves. Nor do I permit the wicked to work in My kingdom.

[19:58] These are some of the prophets whom GOD blessed. They were chosen from among the descendants of Adam, and the descendants of those whom we carried with Noah, and the descendants of Abraham and Israel, and from among those whom we guided and selected. When the revelations of the Most Gracious are recited to them, they fall prostrate, weeping.

[20:115–126] We tested Adam in the past, but he forgot, and we found him indecisive.
Recall that we said to the angels, “Fall prostrate before Adam.” They fell prostrate, except Satan; he refused.
We then said, “O Adam, this is an enemy of you and your wife. Do not let him evict you from Paradise, lest you become miserable.
“You are guaranteed never to hunger therein, nor go unsheltered.
“Nor will you thirst therein, nor suffer from any heat.”
But the devil whispered to him, saying, “O Adam, let me show you the tree of eternity and unending kingship.”
They ate from it, whereupon their bodies became visible to them, and they tried to cover themselves with the leaves of Paradise. Adam thus disobeyed his Lord, and fell.
Subsequently, his Lord chose him, redeemed him, and guided him.
He said, “Go down therefrom, all of you. You are enemies of one another. When guidance comes to you from Me, anyone who follows My guidance will not go astray, nor suffer any misery.
“As for the one who disregards My message, he will have a miserable life, and we resurrect him, on the Day of Resurrection, blind.”
He will say, “My Lord, why did you summon me blind, when I used to be a seer?”
He will say, “Because you forgot our revelations when they came to you, you are now forgotten.”

[36:60–61] Did I not covenant with you, O Children of Adam, that you shall not worship the devil? That he is your most ardent enemy?
And that you shall worship Me alone? This is the right path.

