Who is your God?

Mazhar Khan
The Heart of Quran
Published in
2 min readMay 6, 2023
Who is your God?

Who is your God? Most of us will simply answer this question as ‘Of course, God is my God!’. Because most of us believe there is a God or Divine or Supreme Power (whatever name you are comfortable with) who has created all of us and He is our God.

If we read the scriptures we learn many of His attributes, His qualities, what He loves, what He doesn’t love. I come from an Islamic background and I have read Quran and would share some of the verses which tell us what kind of qualities God loves in people. GOD loves the charitable. GOD loves the righteous. GOD loves the good-doers. GOD loves those who are benevolent. GOD loves those who are equitable. GOD loves those who are just and so on.

Have you ever thought about why it feels so good when you help someone in need? When you serve elderly people? When you are kind to strangers? When you stand up for weak people? When you are equitable when you serve as witnesses, even against yourselves, your parents, or your relatives? It feels good because (consciously or unconsciously) you are doing what God loves.

Quran 32:9 He shaped him and blew into him from His spirit. And He gave you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brains; rarely are you thankful.

And your soul rejoices when you act on such qualities because the soul is a piece of God’s spirit. Along with believing in God, if we know and understand such qualities of God and implement such qualities in our lives, we show the world who our God is! God: only true Lord and Master.

Imagine claiming to believe in God and doing the opposite of what God loves — being stingy, involved in unrighteous activities, being unkind, respecting the opinion of the rich and disrespecting those who are less than you, unforgiving, not standing up for the weak and so on. Definitely, with these qualities too we show the world who our god is! False god: the ego.

I pray this article will be a reminder for me to set a good example. And keep asking this question to myself — who is your God?

Peace & Love

