
Srujana Puttagunta
The heartful muse
Published in
2 min readFeb 3, 2019
Photo by Natalya Letunova on Unsplash

Oh how deeply we have lived a lie called limitation

How strongly we have surrendered to an illusion of separation

Oh how we have pushed away our truth to conform to etiquettes

How painfully we have questioned our worth and berated our weaknesses

Oh the endless pursuit of happiness, perfection and pleasure…

The dreams that we hold back, oh the labels, the traps and mind games in the way we love

How we banish anger, fear and shame as castaways

Oh the need to be in the drivers seat but never the passenger

But you see…it’s slowly coming back to me

Bit by bit, I am melting the armor that I was taught to wear, gently pulling off the blindfold

Quietly learning to fly, letting go of the grip of who I am supposed to be

My flaws suddenly look all too mortal and chasing approval seems exhausting

Anger and sadness now have a seat at my table, they are deserving of love

Learning the strength in softness, looking beyond faces

Making friends with trust and hope, and love my religion

Living with intention and learning to surrender are my goals

Finding myself is my new adventure and self-acceptance my journey

Mistake me not, it’s not a picnic waking up from this deep slumber

The process of awakening is one step forward, 100 steps backward

It reminds us of how we can’t escape humanness

But guess what, some lights only appear in the dark. Too much sunshine is too hot to bear.

“I wish I could show you, when you are lonely or in darkness, the astonishing light of your own being” — Hafiz



Srujana Puttagunta
The heartful muse

I like to think of myself as a free spirited conscious explorer!