What makes a woman empowered?

Srujana Puttagunta
The heartful muse
Published in
5 min readJun 20, 2018
  1. Listen to your gut instinct!

Women, our intuition is a serious gift!! In general, us women are more in touch with our feelings and inner voice. Think about it: women were originally armed with intuition as a way to stay safe when getting eaten by wild animals was a daily threat.

Haven’t you ever had an encounter with someone and regretted later only to tell yourself you “should have known”? You saying that is admitting to yourself that you did know. Our feelings are our superpower. You picked up on the signs and knew something was off. We don’t need to wait for life-and-death situations to start tuning in to our intuition. When your intuition speaks to you the next time through your feelings, start trusting it even when your mind says you don’t want to. If your intuition screams “don’t trust the new colleague”, take note of it. When you feel or hear, “Call Mom.” Or, “I don’t know why, but I keep having this feeling to start going to a new yoga class, it just won’t go away”, honor your intuitive impulses.

You can read more about how to tap into this inner voice on my Medium article here — What does your gut say? — The heartful muse — Medium

2. Get in touch with your femininity

Often, we have let the masculine side of us go into overdrive and we let the feminine aspects of our nature fade away. Women who are strong and tough are praised on their leadership qualities. However, women are cautioned that being emotional or too sensitive will prevent them from succeeding. I agree, the masculine traits are wonderful and we need them. However, they are especially powerful when they are in balance with our feminine traits.

As women, we are sentient beings. Ironically, this is one reason why women are always considered the weaker sex. But I have news for you ladies, this sensitivity is your strength! Embrace it, celebrate it and treasure it. In fact, women have the potential to make great leaders and advocates because of their ability to empathize and their strong perceptional skills. There is power and privilege in being a woman!

So don’t be afraid to put on that charming hat and show them how it’s done. The world needs more of openness, vulnerability, acceptance and compassion.

3. Connect with your body wisdom

The feminine body is a mystery. It feels very different from one week to the next. I know for a fact that I have gone from feeling super-energetic, strong, productive and outgoing one week to feeling emotional, tired or moody the next week. A woman’s brain chemistry changes at different points in her menstrual cycle, as her hormone levels change. This difference in mood, energy and productivity is a great source of frustration.

However, this is the strength of the feminine. Our bodies aren’t trying to betray us, in fact they are actually guiding us toward success on a deeper and stronger level. It bodes well to deeply honor our nurturing, creative side.

The body is a beautiful vessel that speaks to us through our feelings. We can empower ourselves by trying to be extra-gentle with ourselves on those off-days and noting any patterns in mood, appetite or energy that arise. Also eating foods based on what feels good to your body at that moment. I noticed that the more familiar I became with my rhythm, the easier it was for me honor it from one week to the next. This in turn increased my productivity and helped me take charge of my own health.

It helps to connect with our natural rhythm. Our bodies gently guide us to know when we need to create more space, have a little fun, or lighten up. Our job is just to listen.

4. Skip the Martyrdom

Women have had a history of placing everyone else’s needs before hers in the name of a mother, wife, daughter and so on. This gradually leads to burnout and resentment. Irony is that, we can fill others’ cup only after we have filled our own. Fill your cup first — nourish yourself in order to help others. If you find yourself constantly in giving mode and at the cost of you and your needs, ask yourself what changes you need to make to get your needs met. Set some time aside for yourself regularly. Do more of what makes your heart sing. As women become more self-reliant and self-sufficient, we have more choices. We are free to discover our passion and contribute in ways that feel meaningful to us.

Creativity is the essence of the feminine. Think about it: Women have the ability to birth children, which is the ability to create life! What gets your creative juices running? Do something creative everyday like singing, dancing or writing. Add more creativity into all facets of your life. Get creative in your relationship, while playing with your children, while cooking, at work and so on. This gets us out of our heads and lets us be in the present moment.

5. Be Independent

Independence doesn’t have to be only financial. It also means independence of thought. Independence in having the freedom to choose, to make decisions for yourself. To not give your power away to someone else to dictate your life. Independence to choose how you want to live life and also freedom to support anyone/anything. To do what your heart wants to do. When I march to my own rhythm, it’s both an introspective and empowering moment because I am the sole controller of what happens.

“Pretty women wonder where my secret lies. I’m not cute or built to suit a fashion model’s size. But when I start to tell them, they think I’m telling lies. I say, It’s in the reach of my arms, the span of my hips, the stride of my step, the curl of my lips.

I’m a woman. Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman. That’s me.”

~Maya Angelou~



Srujana Puttagunta
The heartful muse

I like to think of myself as a free spirited conscious explorer!