Give Yourself a Chance to Smile

Michael Braun
The Hearts and Minds Project
1 min readJan 31, 2017

A senior member of my research center is returning to work tomorrow after extended medical leave. What a great opportunity to smile!

I lettered a piece of poster board for his door, writing “Welcome Back.” I like doing hand lettering, and with this sign, I found my letters were taking on shapes of smiles! For example, here’s the letter “e” from the sign (before others added color).

The smiling letter “e” I drew.

When you give yourself opportunities to smile, you feel happier. And seeing this “e” makes me smile. I hope it will do the same for my returning co-worker.



Michael Braun
The Hearts and Minds Project

Social scientist by training. Working in child welfare research currently. Trying to stay reasoned, balanced, and sane in America.