Week 5- Smile

Sylvia B.
The Hearts and Minds Project
2 min readFeb 12, 2017

This principal was probably the easiest of the five so far, but it was by far the one that I most disliked. I don’t like faking smiles, they look fake, creepy, and I think my face looks strange when I do. When my mom and sister would do their grins, it didn’t have any affect on me except that it was annoying. When I smiled, especially at school, I felt out of place. I know that’s an awful, depressing thing to say, but it’s true. If you spent a day observing eighth graders, you would likely say the same thing, we laugh of course, but you don’t see anyone besides the occasional sixth grader just walking around the halls, or sitting in class just smiling. I honestly think the main reason smiling helps your social skills is because it releases endorphins which make you happy and people like happy people. I don’t know if I wasn’t smiling enough (likely) or if it was because I just had a bad week (also likely) that this did not work as well as it could.

I like to do things when I want to do them. I think of myself as organized, but part of that is being organized how I want to be, which applies to other aspects of my life. I don’t like being told what to do, especially being told to smile. Being told to smile, however, happened a lot this week (including one time where my mom rolled down her car window and shouted at me “Remember to smile!” which mom, if you’re reading this, please don’t do again.) And it was for the most part, the being told what to do with my face, was what I hated about this weeks principal.

