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Crisis Leadership

Naomi Knight
The Helm
Published in
11 min readMar 18, 2020


Finding the leadership opportunity in COVID-19 through six easy tactics.

As the global pandemic COVID-19 continues to spread, governments are taking unprecedent actions. From the shutting of sovereign borders through to the locking down of local populations, many business leaders are have been left with little choice, but to move their operations to the living rooms of their workforce.

Working remotely meets the social distancing recommended by public health experts to slow the spread of the COVID-19. And potentially, if led appropriately by CEOs could allow businesses to operate largely uninterrupted by the disease.

However, for this to be the case, C+ leaders must practice a different kind of leadership to engage, connect and inspire their workforce.

“When written in Chinese the word ‘crisis’ is composed of two characters. One represents danger, the other represents opportunity” — John F Kennedy

Working from home provides employees with great flexibility. No longer faced with the rigours of physical commuting, employees can telecommute much or later depending on requirement. Children can be supervised, and health restrictions managed in a way that allows the employee to freely contribute.

Prior to COVID-19, many employers were working towards having some flexible work from home



Naomi Knight
The Helm

Constantly striving for mastery in the art of kintsugi, Naomi is an expert alchemist skilled in transforming life lessons and professional challenges into gold.