Have You Used Social Media To Take A Stand? (Call for submissions to The Helm)

CSuite Content
The Helm
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2 min readJan 7, 2020

Calling all writers for The Helm!

We’re starting off 2020 with The Helm’s very first monthly themed question! Every month, we’ll send out a theme and invite all of our amazing writers to submit pieces.

For January:

Why (or why not) should leaders be on social media? We’re looking for first-hand stories from business leaders on the value (and/or perils) of using social media. Specifically, we’re looking for insights from leaders sharing updates from THEIR OWN accounts (not a “brand” account).

We want to hear from business leaders who are willing to share their experiences with social media. When was a specific time it helped you or your business? When was a time it totally backfired? What’s your “top hack” for succeeding on social media as a business leader?

If you’re not familiar with our layout, The Helm pieces are framed as first-person stories from the leadership front lines — business leaders sharing insights, in their own words. You can see examples from Hootsuite CEO Ryan Holmes, orthopedic surgeon and leadership guru Dr. David Geier, and others on our website.

The deadline for submissions is Friday, January 24. Responses are typically 500–800 words. Please include a cover photo and use title case for headlines (first letter of every word capitalized). To publish to The Helm, first make sure you follow The Helm on Medium. Then simply go to Add to Publication after publishing and select The Helm. Accepted pieces will be automatically shared with our thousands of followers and featured on a special section on the Helm cover page.

If you’re not a writer for The Helm and would like to be considered, please send your Medium handle to admin@csuitecontent.com and we’ll add you as a writer.

Are you a leader crushing it on social media? Be sure to sign up for the 2020 CSuite Digital Leadership Awards for a chance to get featured in national press and win a lifetime subscription to Hootsuite Pro ($360/year value).



CSuite Content
The Helm

We are a public relations & communications agency. Working with CEOs & executives, we specialize in thought leadership consulting. www.csuitecontent.com