20 Top Employee Recognition Ideas to Boost Morale and Productivity

This article will help you build a culture of mutual support where all employees feel engaged and determined to excel.

Chris Bergen
The Helm


Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

As a front-line manager you have a critical responsibility to keep your staff motivated to do their best on the job. Your employees rely on you for instruction and direction and they want to know their efforts are appreciated. When your team is performing in the zone or particular individuals are excelling, it’s necessary to show them that you notice.

“. . . people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” — Maya Angelou, American author and activist

What are the benefits of showing recognition?

Whether someone is a long-term employee or a new hire, feedback they receive from their manager is important. It reaffirms that they’re meeting their responsibilities, increasing their confidence. A staff member who feels appreciated will be more engaged at work and loyal towards the company and their supervisor. They’ll more readily step up when a shift needs to be covered or volunteer for additional duties.



Chris Bergen
The Helm

Award-winning manager | Top Writer in Leadership and contributor at The Startup, The Helm and more | I’m into 80’s metal, Sci-Fi and Fitness 🤟🏼