Highlights From The Helm: September 2022

CSuite Content
The Helm
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2 min readSep 6, 2022

As summer comes to a close, leaders are preparing for a Q4 that’s bound to be challenging and engaging. If you want to be prepared, you’ll want to take a look at the insights shared on The Helm last month.

Here are some of the highlights, with articles linked in the headings.

“Why ‘Entrepreneurs Of Necessity’ Are So Unstoppable” by Shafin Diamond

In a piece filled with personal experiences and anecdotes, Shafin shares why entrepreneurs that do it for survivial are driving forces of the business world. According to Shafin, these formidable business leaders “hustle like there’s no plan B” and “are ruthlessly uncomplacent.” See what he means here.

“How Do You Run your Team Like A Biz-Ops Project?” by Amanda Swim

“BizOps projects are famous for being organized, thoughtful, creative, goal-oriented, and impactful. Wouldn’t you want to run your internal team with the same best practices that you offer to your customers?”

Amanda asks a compelling question, and delivers on the how-to with her comprehensive guide on project planning and leadership, using a clear and effective framework. Check out her tips here.

“Own Your Workplace” by Matthew Woodall

In this great piece, Matthew recounts how a piece of litter overhauled his perspective on work, and why he preaches “radical ownership.” By treating your workplace like you own it, you make work a more fulfilling experience and improve it for your whole team. Read his compelling story here.

The Helm is always publishing good ideas, insights, and advice by leaders, for leaders. To make sure you’re always seeing articles from our writers, subscribe to The Helm on Medium.

If you have your own ideas to be featured in The Helm, drop us a line. We’d love to hear them.

See you next month!



CSuite Content
The Helm

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