How We Designed and Redesigned Goals by KeepSolid

A story of fall and rise of Goals by KeepSolid

Emma Brown, KeepSolid
The Helm


Photo by Halacious on Unsplash

I have previously written about KeepSolid’s other solution, Roadmap Planner, that started it all. While developing this tool, our team decided to significantly expand its capabilities, and this moment perfectly coincided with the revision of the management principles in our company.

It was at that moment that we realized: the problem with project management apps was the loss of focus on the main goal. Employees would be working on different products for a while and, as a result, they’d just forget why they do what they do. They would thoughtlessly check off tasks in various project management tools — we, as a company, have also gone through this in our lifetime. This led to various losses in business and did not increase the company’s efficiency in any way.

This made us rethink our approach to management. We analyzed the state of the company and decided to abandon old project management tools and many of our task management principles. We switched to what should be the core of any business — moving towards clear and logical goals.

Now, instead of focusing on task management and monitoring employee performance, we have decided to focus on defining our strategic goals, understanding how to achieve them, and…



Emma Brown, KeepSolid
The Helm

Studying how businesses and individuals reach success. Writing about Productivity, Privacy, and Cyber Security. Learn more: