The Importance of “Me Time”

Jason Cromer
The Helm
Published in
7 min readAug 16, 2019


My days usually start with the following:
- Turn off my alarm (chirping birds)
- Open my windows for fresh air
- Drink two tall glasses of water
- Shower
- Eat fruit, yogurt, and a couple soft-boiled eggs
- Make a cup of coffee, and enjoy it in complete silence

How does this relate to “Me Time”? Well, it’s the routine I do by myself every morning, and it contributes directly to my success and well-being on a daily, and long-term basis. We’ll talk about its benefits, and why it’s so important to have it. I believe the addition of daily “Me Time” can push you further both professionally, and personally, as it does for me.

Who needs “Me Time”?

You do. Yeah, you. Whether you’re an introvert or extrovert, incorporating the techniques below will allow you to start with a clean slate every day, organizing your priorities and thought processes.

Have you ever been overwhelmed with your to-do list for the day?
Or what about waking up stressed out, and getting into the office with your heart racing, and bags under your eyes early in the day?
It’s obvious this is due to stress, but most of us continue pushing through the day, shrugging off its detrimental…



Jason Cromer
The Helm

Software Engineer at Postmates. I write about Android-related things, as well as personal/professional health and success.